Saturday, June 16, 2018

Fascism Is Leftwing - Mere Nationalism Does Not A Fascist Right Make.

The idea of a linear left to right political spectrum is stupid, but in those terms, fascism would be left-wing.

Contrary to popular belief, fascism can be most accurately defined as the political belief that the state is more important than the individual. This belief is what allowed fascists to justify pursuing "racial purification" of humanity. They considered the individual rights of those they killed as less important than the greater good that they fervently believed would come to humanity through the supremacy of a certain race. Essentially, fascism focused on community, rather than the individual, which is undoubtedly a hallmark of the left wing.

In fact, Nazi is an acronym for National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party. (In German) Obviously a self-declared socialist worker's party is very clearly left-wing.

Also, the right-wing is always considered to be more focused on religion than the left, and fascist states were bitterly opposed to religion. The Nazis actually set up a religion called positive christianity which incorporated racial elements and the swastika, and was intended to gradually move Germany away from Christianity toward "mystical Darwinist vitalism" based on ancient Vedic (aryan) rituals. Mussolini was forced to cooperate with the Catholic Church to some extent because the Italian people were overwhelmingly devout Catholics. However, on a personal level, Mussolini was always very contemptuous of religion, and often privately referred to priests as "black flies".

Finally, when fascism was on the rise throughout Europe, it was the ideology of young liberals, based on bold new ideas like eugenics that conservatives shunned. Victorian.

Blogger: Please do not quote Franco. He never was a fascist. He was an ultra-conservative falangist!

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...