It is beyond time to reintroduce fear into our no-consequence society.
That Mankind should fear God is not only stated abundantly in Scripture but is the highest of common sense. How dare we challenge what God wants?
Let us consider some of the things happening in our not-so-brave new world:
God is either rejected entirely or is minimised into the nicey, nicey Jesus so beloved of liberal christianity. God is portrayed as being SO nice, in fact, that he would never dream of punishing - He will merely overlook! People enter hell in their millions because of this folly.
Criminals are consistently leaving courts laughing at the derisory sentences they have had imposed. Deterrence is almost a forgotten virtue.
Those who spend their money foolishly or wickedly incur debts which are so often never paid. Like fines in our courts - they are too often simply written off.
Let us consider the words of Jesus in Mark 7:
"21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride and foolishness."
Not living up to your God-given level of intelligence is a sin - just consider what it is ranked alongside here AND how it is last in the list for added emphasis. (Other translations use 'folly'.)
Now let us look at the millions of abortions perpetrated in this nation which occur because of folly coupled with its sidekick - arrogance.
Enough here to be going on with.