Do children who have never been smacked ever grow up to be decent adults? - Of course.
Do many who are not smacked grow up with a lessened sense of the consequences of their actions? - Of course!
Do all naughty children who are never smacked inevitably have some sort of moral deficit? - Naturally.
Please note how many parents have to resort to causing long-lasting mental anguish to force unruly children to conform. Mental torture lasting aeons or a simple, sharp slap on the back of the legs? - Which will do the greater damage, do you imagine?
Note how the wimps, snowflakes and leftists will promptly and absurdly label a smacking as 'physical abuse'.
Please, never follow the teachings of those who possess no sense whatsoever of basic perspective. Besides - their thinking is wholly unscriptural and they wish to force it onto the rest of us!