Friday, June 01, 2018

The Right To Kill Children: Next The Grandparents: Then The Inconvenient: Ironically - NEVER Murderers, Assassins and Planters of Bombs.

The right to kill our children is never far from permission to murder your parents! Yet in another example of democracy’s totally inability to decide right from wrong, the republic of Irelands feminists are rejoicing they can legally dispose their human foetuses.

Sadly, this increasing trend of democracy to legislate right or wrong reminds us of the pagan origins of democratic systems using man as the measure of all things. Only when man is anchored to an outside absolute Being such as Jesus Christ, does democracy have a shadow of hope at achieving a caring society. But unhooked from the Creator and Redeemer, democracy becomes one of the world's worst routes, first to amorality, and finally immorality. Such a democracy’s end is almost predictable, because the moral chaos that results almost always necessitates people demanding a return to some kind of certainty – even if it means rule by a strong man. One who can buy peace, bully subordinate‘s and authorise trade only with the approved. Perhaps even more surprising it may also lead to a willing submission to Islam, whose track record is as bitter enemy of all things democratic.

Long ago the Creator God stated that ‘all who hate me love death’ (Proverbs 8:36) , and sadly that is where much of the west has headed, Irish feminists included. How doubly sad that the Roman Church’s role in Ireland has only been to hinder to the point of desperate demand, both in regard to marriage and perpetual pregnancy. Yes, the Catholic Church’s stand on marriage, dominated by rules from celibate clergy, actually led to a country that had the world highest number of “unmarried couples living together,” because of their fear of being unable to fix any problems with the Church’s help. Combined with the recent global spate of ungodly sexual behaviours by priests, costing them much of the respect they sought, and leading to many abandoning what they perceived was Christianity.

Only by returning to a personal faith and relationship to the Creator who became the Redeemer, can any of this be turned back in a right God-pleasing and human blessing direction. Now enjoy the fascinating evidence of God’s wonderful handiwork in this ENews 05/18, which is perhaps seen best in the Human embryo - not a thing, but a real person and gift from the God to whom we will be accountable for any abuse of babes, before or after birth.
© Creation Research 2018

A Verse of Great Encouragement.