Thursday, September 06, 2018

Get Off Fracking's Case!

Michael Baker, Aberdeen. 
Thank you for affording readers the opportunity of discussing fracking this week. For almost 10 years now, I have been amazed by the flurry of groundless concerns raised by so many. Your correspondent Lorraine Allanson has more of the right view of it. Fracking is an uneventful semi-industrial process which is done, over a short-time interval, at the end of drilling a well and which hardly causes more disturbance than the actual drilling. The major noticeable effect of fracking will be an increase in employment. I live in Aberdeen and can confirm that oil and gas activity brings a big increase in jobs. Oil and gas development takes place under a “contracted out” model, unlike the “in-house” model of much industry, and the contracted-out jobs provide work and entrepreneurial opportunity. Before I end, fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is completely conventional. The source of the petroleum might be unusual, or the angle of the bore, but fracking is just fracking.

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An Election of Lesser Evils.

I'm certainly delighted that the appalling anti-Christian Harris lost.  Not exactly bowled over by Trump's victory. Let's just c...