Friday, September 14, 2018

Prayer Answered.

Travelling back from Spain yesterday, I had a veritable multitude of potentially serious problems to make a total nightmare of the journey. Most of these were either likely or quite likely to come to pass.
I passed this situation onto our prayer group.
Result - I had the best journey EVER.
When you live in the Lord and for Him - when you have problems, prayer will sort out so many issues.
Why do we opt to carry on carrying our burdens?

Still. Our atheist friends will need to claim one of two things: either I am lying or it was just a string of coincidences.
Ah, multiple coincidences - where would we ever be without them, I wonder?

The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus.

How much do we know about the brothers and sisters of Jesus? Neil Rees    19 October 2024. (Photo: Getty/iStock) Jesus had brothers and sist...