Saturday, January 19, 2019

Kiddies In Drag?

How should Christians respond to child drag queens and sexualizing children?
Drag kid performer Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden "Lactatia" gives an interview. | Photo: Screengrab/
Mainstream acceptance of sexualizing children was once thought unthinkable, but with society celebrating such things as children performing in drag shows, some are asking: Is paedophilia being normalized? 
Crystallizing these worries in recent days was a photo posted to Instagram showing a 10-year-old Canadian boy named Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden — who's been featured on network and cable news shows as "Lactatia," his stage name — posing next to a naked man who was the most recent winner of "RuPaul's Drag Race." 
The photo emerged on the heels of another child drag performer, Desmond Napoles, who is known as Desmond is Amazing, being seen in a video dancing in a skimpy white top and a blond wig to Gwen Stefani's "I'm Just A Girl" before a crowd of men who threw dollar bills at him at a gay bar in New York City.
