Monday, April 29, 2019

Don't Know How To Vote In Local Elections?

Unless you have an active pro-Brexit candidate on the ballot paper, here is how to vote:
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES vote Lib/Lab/Con/Greens. These are the people who must be stopped - however 'nice' their candidate may be.
If Brexit Party is on the list - excellent! By far your best choice.
Only if there is No BP - which there may well not be, you can consider voting Ukip or preferably, Brexit-supporting Independent.
In the absence of all the above, please spoil the paper with a demand for democracy and Brexit scrawled all over it!

Normally, local issues must take precedence - but the locals give a chance to send an unforgettable message to the political elite.
Let them begin to panic about what the EU elections would bring!
Fear is the key!

I fully understand that there are those who will feel unable to vote Ukip. On Saturday, I heard a recording of the worst heap of racist bile and venom from a highly-ranked candidate. This is not the old - 'a Ukip member has told an Irish joke - bring out the snowflakes.' This was evil.

Me? - I'd spoil the ballot, in preference. Gerard needs to take control of this but cannot. He has let the genie out of the bottle. The party is turning into the new BNP - except it may well get considerably worse. Trouble is - I think Gerard actually means well.
