Friday, April 19, 2019

Tories Into Oblivion? - How Bad Would That Be?

The simple answer to the question is that it is impossible to know. What we do know is that a Corbyn government is unthinkable - but then again - how many youngsters go into default Corbyn-support because they haven't any clue what socialism is actually like? In the schools, colleges and universities - by indirect or even direct means - they have had their minds polluted by leftist educators. (Don't forget the leftist media led by the BBC and the celebs!)
So would a Corbynista takeover show two generations just how bad socialism really is? One Corbyn government could see Labour killed off forever! Maybe - but if there is no real opposition, we could just as easily become a new-marxist nation via the ballot box. Loads of giveaways to the electorally simple and lo - there is Corbyn with a second term as our economy plunges into terminal decline.
Sometimes, I am rather glad that I am in the last 20% of my life but I worry about my grandchildren.

If only so many fools in Ukip had just shown a tiny whit of common sense from 2014 onwards - they would now have been the government-in-waiting. But - mere water under Westminster Bridge!

Will Nigel have learned from his countless mistakes in leading Ukip? Will his Brexit Party hold out new hope? How many times on this Blog have I argued the need for a non-tory, non-liberal-left party of the centre-right that all the sensible Labour voters can also support?

Could such a party be ready to govern in a few years time? - The answer is an emphatic NO! 
Even if we can break with History and the 20 year span needed to establish a new party - which I frankly doubt - it must surely take a decade to get up and running. Under FPTP - there is NO chance!

We need the pathetic Liberal Democrat Party to die. We need The ancient Labour Party to die. We need the tory party to either die or to totally reinvent itself as a true party of the centre-right.
Will that happen? - Only God Himself can answer that!
