Monday, April 15, 2019

Is Nigel Our Last Hope? - Sigh.

I know Nigel slightly and the man's qualities are indeed many but I cannot see him as the nation's saviour. Even so, I must confess to rather liking the guy.
I know from within, the considerable number of failings he possesses - almost all of which make him a very easy target for a largely leftist media.
He is far too prone to making considerable numbers of faux pas. It is not that these errors are necessarily all that terrible of themselves but by the time the Fourth Estate has finished with them - he loses votes by the shedload. 
He alienates allies because he is 'always right' and advice to the contrary of his view can be regarded as betrayal.

The more people encounter Nigel, the less impressed they are with him. Nonetheless, he remained a hero to many who were not privy to his weaknesses.

Only if Nigel can reinvent himself by asking himself the tough questions about how he works  and learning the lessons of the past - especially since 2014 - can he become the game-changer we so desperately need as a nation. He could become a great figurehead but only by sidestepping the mistakes of the past.

It would not need Nigel to make wholesale changes to his attitudes and approach to the political arena - more a rounding off of the rough edges. Can he do it? - Frankly, I doubt that he can. 
I truly wish to see him succeed, however.
If he were to get it right - he could do wonders for our nation.
