Sunday, June 30, 2019

Forced Abortions.

Women protest forced abortion outside Parliament after 'horrific' court ruling

Staff writer   Wed 26 Jun 2019 
(Photo: Right to Life UK)
A protest has been held outside the Houses of Parliament in London following a shocking UK court order to perform an abortion on a woman with a learning disability.
The Stand With Her demonstration on Tuesday night was held after three Court of Appeal judges overturned the ruling of the Court of Protection mandating that the abortion be performed on the woman, who is 22 weeks pregnant. 
The Court of Protection ruled last Friday that the abortion should go ahead despite the opposition of the woman's Catholic mother, who had offered to raise the baby, and her social worker. 
Questions are being asked by Christian and pro-life groups as to why the case was heard by Justice Nathalie Lieven, who has in the past campaigned for and represented pro-abortion groups, including abortion provider BPAS. 
Women gathered outside Parliament on Tuesday to call upon Government to ensure that such a ruling never happens again in Britain. 
Organisers, including Right to Life UK, said the demonstration was an act of "solidarity with this woman, her baby and her wider family who have had to go through this terrible ordeal". 
Right to Life UK has called upon the Department of Health to reveal how many women in the UK have been forced into an abortion "as unfortunately it is likely that this is not a one-off case". 
After last Friday's judgement, a petition set up by the campaign group calling on the Secretary of State to intervene was signed over 130,000 times. 
Right to Life said it was "absolutely brilliant" that the Court of Appeal had overturned the mandate but added that "this horrific original ruling should never have happened in the first place".
"It is totally unacceptable that a mother had to go to the Court of Appeal to stop the state forcing a late-term abortion on her daughter. We must ensure that no women and family will ever have to go through this again," the group said. 
One woman protesting at the event, Emmi Egbonou, said she wanted to stand with the woman and her family.
"What is shocking is that this was ever allowed to happen in the first place. The fact that the state can force a late-term abortion on a woman who did not want one is not the kind of state we want to live in," she said. 
"The fact that a judge could make a ruling to force an abortion on a vulnerable woman without her consent is a betrayal of the justice system and betrayal of the most vulnerable in our society.
"A forced late-term abortion would have been an irreversible trauma on the mother and would have ended the life of the baby that had been growing inside her womb for almost six months and, at 22 weeks, could have survived outside the womb.
"We are here today to we stand with this woman. We stand with her baby. We stand with her family. We stand with every woman in the UK who has been forced by a hospital to abort their baby.
"The Government must ensure no women and family will ever have to go through this again. We are here today to send a clear message to the Government. This must never happen again." CT.

Chromosomes -Oh, Yes!

One of My Favourite Verses: One I Do Not Take On Board Anything Like Enough!

When Will The Insanity End?

Ban on calling children 'naughty' reflects teachings of Bible says Christian Nursery

New data has found that 95 per cent of nursery staff have been banned from calling a child naughty at nursery, following concerns that its negative connotations could be damaging. PC.

Hatred of The Jews - How It Is Managed.

Why I Will STILL Not Give To The RSPCA.
This is an old problem which I had hoped had been sorted. Sadly, not.
Fortunately, there are plenty of other worthy animal charities.


RAC Is Correct The Evidence Is All Around Us.

Councils are this year set to rake in a record £1billion from parking fees and fines, research by the RAC Foundation has found. But analysts fear many town centres could go into “cardiac arrest” as local authorities hound motorists. Campaigners also warn that online retailers will be the only winners from overzealous parking attendants. Express.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Awful Stats On Spotting Cancers.

The ONLY Reason Not To Vote Boris.

The former foreign secretary has described himself as a ‘social liberal’. He also told the Daily Telegraph in 2015 that while he thinks a lot about religion, he does not attend church on a regular basis. In fact, he admitted it would be "pretentious" to refer to him as a serious Christian.
Boris was the first to compare his faith to the dodgy radio reception of Magic FM in the Chilterns (David Cameron later said the same).
While he may not call himself a Christian, Boris is not afraid to borrow biblical language. He infamously used the example of Moses, giving Pharaoh God’s edict “let my people go” to urge Theresa May to stand up to Brussels. He has also led a colourful personal life and is reported to have called the idea of a man being loyal to one woman "unreasonable". Premier.
Blogger: Although Mr Hunt has spoken against persecution of Christians, I can find no evidence reported of faith.
This being the case, Boris's Brexit approach should allow him to win.

No Cannabis For Believers.

Healing For Repentant Peoples & Nations.


I Do Not Personally Believe That Labour Won Peterborough.

Peterborough by-election shock as illegal 'family voting' spotted at 11 polling stations

THE results of the Peterborough by-elections have been rocked by allegations of illegal “family voting” at 11 polling stations.

Brilliant Frederick Forsyth Predicts EU's Future.

Friday, June 28, 2019

When Professional Criminals Have Little To Fear ...

Organised crime hits record levels as watchdog warns of 'significant shortcomings' in Government's strategy. Charles Hymas.

Complete Tommy Rot From The Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army has warned that organisations helping unemployed people find work may be left with a funding "black hole" in the aftermath of Brexit.
In the last eight years, The Salvation Army's Employment Plus programme has provided assistance to over 10,000 people, but the Church and charity says that its future has been thrown into doubt by Brexit. CT.
Blogger: Just how can having a stronger economy create such outcomes?
I have always supported the SA with donations. Maybe these can be better directed.

Hallelujah, Hong kong!



Church Arson In Niger.

Light & Healing.

"I Accept Brexit Result, Why Can't You?"

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Quite So!

Ryan Hall.

Olympic runner Ryan Hall has had a “crazy journey” filled with amazing highs and difficult lows — and now he’s sharing the backstory surrounding how he discovered true purpose and God’s goodness amid the ebbs and flows.
Hall, author of the new book, Run the Mile You're In: Finding God in Every Step recently told “The Pure Flix Podcast” that he had a “burning question inside” of his heart when he was just 13 years old. He wondered, “What does it take to become an Olympian?”
Through hard work and dedication, Hall eventually found out, as he worked his way to the Olympics and became one of the fastest runners in America. Along the way, his belief in God sustained him, with Hall proclaiming that his “faith and … running are so connected.”


Old Boy Network? - The Solution Is Simple.

Want to end the reign of public schoolboys at the top? Build more grammar schools!

There IS A Hell. Why Are You Planning Your Life To Go There?

Don't ignore God. There is a Hell!

There is a matter that somewhat afflicts my spirit every day. It is the observation that so many of the people with whom I associate hardly ever give God a thought. CP.

How We Can Die To Sins.

Ben Gunn.

Watched Michael Portillo programme last night about the now closed prison at Shepton Mallet.
It featured one Ben Gunn, murderer, who had been incarcerated there.
He was imprisoned for killing his friend by 'hitting him with a piece of wood'. He claimed no intention to kill. Odd - as that is clearly manslaughter.
I looked him upon Wikipedia and found a rather different tale: what had clearly sounded like a single blow was actually a multitude of blows.
Big difference, innit? Why did the producers of the show allow this very different impression to be given, I wonder?

Fact Liberals Won't Tell You.

Over 30 killers killed again after being freed from prison between 2000/1 and 2010/11, statistics show. (I do not have more modern stats.)
Figures released by the Home Office show 29 people with homicide convictions went on to commit murder and six went on to commit manslaughter.
Of those 29 murderers, 13 previously committed murder and 16 manslaughter.
The abolitionists pretended that there had been a number of 'miscarriages of justice with executions' between 1945 and 1964.
ALL were incorrect - but let us assume they had been correct - compare the numbers over a much shorter period of time!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

NOW Do You Get What The Christ Has Done For YOU?

Isaiah 53 New International Version (NIV)

53 Who has believed our message
    and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
    and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
    nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
He was despised and rejected by mankind,
    a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
    he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
    stricken by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed and afflicted,
    yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
    and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
    Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
    for the transgression of my people he was punished.[b]
He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
    and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
    nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
    and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
    and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,
    he will see the light of life and be satisfied;
by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,
    and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
    and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
    and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
    and made intercession for the transgressors.

Can Sir Geoffrey PLEASE Have His Knighthood?

'We won!' Geoffrey Boycott delivers 'greatest Brexit mission statement since Churchill'

GEOFFREY BOYCOTT delivered an impassioned tirade on Good Morning Britain over the prospect of the UK leaving the EU without a Brexit deal, prompting huge praise from host Piers Morgan.

Piers Morgan described Geoffrey Boycott’s Brexit rant as “one of the greatest mission statement’s” he had heard “probably since the era of Churchill”. Speaking about the prospect of the UK having to leave the EU without a deal, the former Yorkshire and England cricketer insisted the “spirit and the determination of the British people” would mean the UK would “survive” a no deal exit. Mr Boycott described Britons as “strong people” pointing out the UK “came out on top” after fighting two World Wars.
Speaking on GMB, he said: “‘Great Britain, the United Kingdom, we as a people, if we don’t have a deal with Europe, then we will collapse, it will be terrible’, no it won’t.
“We fought two World Wars, and we came out on top, why? Because of the spirit and the determination of the British people.
“That’s what the British people do. That water around our island has saved us from all kinds of things throughout history because we are a strong people.“There is plenty of others, we haven’t even talked about China, 1.3billion.
“So, let’s hang on, we are not totally dependent on 300million people in Europe.”
Reacting, Piers Morgan, said: “Geoffrey that is one of the greatest mission statement’s I have heard, probably since the era of Churchill.”
It comes as both Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and former foreign secretary Boris Johnson have set out their Brexit plans for when the UK leaves the EU as they bid to take over as Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister.

You Want A Second Referendum - Sure About That?

Let's Hear It For Real Coffee.

Scientists at the University of Nottingham used nine people to test their theory, which had already been successful in a lab. Coffee was found to increase activity in people's brown fat, which burns calories. Mail.


Healing, Peace & Security.

Death of A Brother.

A Christian brother of mine, whom I've known for some 45 years, was killed in a motorcycle accident on Saturday.
I grieve his loss to his family and church and friends but I rejoice that he is now with the Jesus to whom he gave his life all those decades ago.
There are far too many people I know out there who are heading directly to a Christ-less eternity when they die. For them there will be no second chances and weeping will replace rejoicing.
ACCEPT your Saviour while you may - you are NOT promised tomorrow!

Defeat at Lords By Oz Makes England Qualification Improbable As Semi-Finalists.

England committed hari kiri at Headquarters as they lost by 64 runs to a much more professional Aussie side and are now forced to beat both NZ and India in order to qualify.
It was all too reminiscent of the England test team.
The attack bowled too short and the batsmen frittered away wickets.

Favourites? - So many commentators said this but I'm glad to say that I was never taken in!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Do You Want To Get Well?


Did You Know ...?

At LAST - Some Sense About Prisons!

Prisoners should be required to work 40 hours a week behind bars, says study to be backed by ministers

Prisoners should be required to do 40 hours a week work behind bars and take apprenticeships to end the “culture of idleness” in jails, says a major report to be endorsed by ministers.
The report, by a former No 10 adviser to Theresa May, proposes a new legal obligation for all prisoners to be required to do 40 hours a week work, training or education.
In a return to the tradition of “penal labour and toil,” offenders would only be allowed to apply for conditional release from jail, parole or enhanced privileges if they complied with the requirement.

Isaiah 53:5.

Our Poor, Sick Nation.

MPs have condemned the move as an 'insult' as lawyers for the families of the eight London Bridge victims said their legal aid applications have been denied. Mail.

Do Not Forget Pastor Wang Li.

CSW Logo
Dear Friends,
It’s been nearly 200 days since Early Rain church members last saw their pastor. 
One Sunday at the start of December 2018, police raided and searched the homes of church members and seminary students, and arrested over 100 church members - including the lead pastor, Pastor Wang Yi. 
Pastor Wang has been detained ever since. He’s accused of ‘inciting subversion’, but is yet to stand trial. In reality, all he did was peacefully stand up for churches and Christians who were targeted by the Chinese government. 
Write a letter to encourage Pastor Wang today.
  • Write a tweet to Pastor Wang using the hashtag #DearPastorWang and tagging @CSW_UK
  • Send an e-card here
  • Write a letter or card to Pastor Wang and post a picture of it on social media with the hashtag #DearPastorWang and tagging @CSW_UK
Pastor Wang knew that the day of his arrest was coming; he had prepared his church members for the possibility and was ready to make a stand for his faith. We want to support him in that stand – will you join us? 
We won’t forget Pastor Wang. Let’s show the world why they shouldn’t forget him either.  
Communications Team 
P.S. At the moment it’s not possible to reach Pastor Wang directly in prison, but if you send your letters to us online we will collate and share them. Just click here to get started – it only takes a few minutes.

Monday, June 24, 2019

ACR-99 Is A Disgrace To Any Democracy.

Ken Williams is a co-founder of Equipped to Love.
Ken Williams.
My childhood was shrouded in hopelessness and self-hatred because I didn’t measure up to the other boys, and I knew it. I was envious of their prowess and, as a result, eventually pushed masculinity away. Every year seemed to bring more separation between me and other males, greater affinity with females, and a deep belief that I was undesirable. I was a failure of humanity. And that journey eventually included addiction to porn, compulsive masturbation, same-sex desires, and some sexual interaction with males.
For years I believed that even God hated me because of my behavior. But in my early 20s, I encountered a God (this same God whom I had served from early childhood) who loved me despite my sins and temptations. And as I dared to spend time with and draw closer to Him, I found Him to be deeply invested in my peace and joy. He was not at all the task-master I had made Him out to be. And that intimate place of connection with God led me down pathways that resulted in self-love, identification with my own masculinity, and sexual desire for the opposite sex, a new experience.  
Today, I love my life. I have been married to my beautiful wife for 13 years, and we have created four incredible children together. But a threat to my life-giving journey has now emerged from the California legislature.
To someone like me, California Assemblyman Evan Low’s proposed resolution, ACR-99, feels like an unfair and direct attack. I recognize that the authors of the resolution probably wrote it in an effort to protect people, those who identify as LGBTQ, but ACR-99 discriminates against those who are questioning their sexuality (the “Q” in LGBTQ), leaving them with no options to explore, only the pathway dictated by LGBT Pride. It also makes several inaccurate and harmful claims.  
1) ACR-99 lumps all sexual orientation change efforts into the demonized category of “conversion therapy,” which, therefore, infers that even benign and helpful modalities such as talk therapy are harmful. Professional therapists and religious groups played crucial roles in my journey toward identity and self-love. They were my guides into happiness and a sense of wholeness.
But with the implementation of ACR-99, realities like the following would become commonplace:  
Imagine a 12-year-old biological male who, after being sexually assaulted, begins to be plagued with thoughts that he is actually a female.  
If California’s therapists and religious organizations follow ACR-99’s directives, the prescribed treatment for that child would be a personal embracing of femininity and would likely include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, the surgical removal of his penis and testicles, and permanent sterilization. Should this child not be afforded a right to explore potential causes of his gender confusion and potential pathways that might allow him to reintegrate with his biological sex?
2) ACR-99 indicates that no therapy or help from religious institutions has proven helpful or effective for those desiring to walk away from homosexuality or transgenderism. Even the APA has made statements that directly contradict such a claim.
Last year, when California proposed bill AB2943, which would have banned therapy from those desiring to leave homosexuality, people came out of the woodwork to oppose it. And as a result, we know hundreds of people from across the country and around the world who were dramatically helped by religious groups and therapists. And most of them have gone public with their stories in an effort to protect others like themselves who also are needing help.
I left my six-figure salary almost 20 years ago to pursue a career in pastoral ministry simply because my Christian faith had so powerfully addressed my pain and transformed me. And today as part of a pastoral team who co-leads Equipped To Love (, we work with many people who have been part of the LGBTQ community who are unhappy and are looking for a different way forward. LGBTQ is not a solution for everybody.
3) ACR-99 singles out only therapists and religious groups as the ones to blame for stigma that LGBT-identified people have which leads to high rates of suicide. It was therapists and religious groups that specifically brought me and so many others (like those at out of our struggles with suicidal tendencies.
4) ACR-99 elevates government ideology above an individual’s right to religious freedom. With this resolution, individuals, leaders, and even therapists and religious institutions are commanded to embrace homosexuality as something to be applauded, giving no thought to potential ramifications to a person’s spouse, children, or to a person whose own religious or personal convictions do not align with that ideology.
Americans have been given rights to “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The California government should not be usurping those inalienable rights. I encourage the California Assembly, the Senate, and the citizens of this state to oppose ACR-99. CP.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...