Monday, June 17, 2019

And What If Christianity Were Actually True?

Unholy ignorance.

Bear with me a moment. Let us assume that the claims of Christianity are indeed true. Let us consider the life of a child born today. The parents - who have no knowledge of Christianity because of their own upbringing - fail to send the child to Church or Sunday School.
At infant school the child becomes confused by the tiny bits from a wide variety of religions thrown at him/her and is unable to distinguish between Jesus and Father Christmas. In junior school, the child is cheated of its cultural heritage and continues to be unable to clarify this mishmash of religions. At the same time the child is taught virtually nothing of either Old or New Testament.
By secondary school the child is effectively instructed that 'all religions lead to God' and the underlying or subliminal message is that this is only taught because you cannot dump religions altogether as certain minority, ethnic groups might be offended.
Let us now take the disingenuous liberal/left premise which has insinuated its sinister way throughout the educational system in recent decades which is that "We must not impose religion on young minds, they will be able to DECIDE for themselves when they are older."

Firstly, on what evidence or base of knowledge is this so-called decision to be made?

Secondly, will the education have fired sufficient interest in the child for him/her to embark on a spiritual quest?

Thirdly, why would the child ever bother going to Church as their education has indicated that this is irrelevant and the media has poured paraffin on the flames by always portraying Christians as cranks and/or hypocrites?

Fourthly, have the TV and Playstation been challenged in the young person's development by this marginalising of Christianity?

It is abundantly clear that only children in very specific situations will be exposed to the Gospel. We began with the assumption that Christianity might be true.
Well then, here is a pretty pickle. Christianity teaches that ALL mankind is going to hell and that there is only one way of avoiding that.
If Christianity is true - and hundreds of millions of us worldwide , through experience KNOW that is indeed the case - just think how well our young people have been served. They could have avoided hell and now will not.
Extreme? - No. Simply the reason why people like my wife and I opened a Christian School - desperate measures to reach the eternally lost.
