Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Labour Lost Peterborough?

Brexit LIVE: Did Farage’s Brexit Party WIN Peterborough? Police probe by-election fraud.

POLICE are investigating allegations of electoral fraud during the Peterborough by-elections, which saw Labour trump the Brexit Party by a narrow margin. Labour MP Lisa Forbes narrowly won the seat for the Labour party by 683 votes, pipping businessman and Brexit Party candidate Mike Greene to the hotly contested Parliamentary seat. But, following the results of the election, Cambridgeshire Police have received five complaints of malpractice. Three of the complaints are to do with postal voting, while one relates to bribery and corruption and another concerns breach of privacy. An election observer also raised concerns over the behaviour of certain voters during the June 6 by-election.

PUBLISHED: 09:03, Mon, Jun 17, 2019  | UPDATED: 16:52, Mon, Jun 17, 2019
