Wednesday, June 19, 2019

What Did Al Gore Say Back In 2009? - Just How Accurate Were His Predictions, I Wonder?

2009 article.
'Green crusader Al Gore was at the centre of a new spin row last night after he was caught out for a second time exaggerating the threat of global warming.
In a keynote speech at the Copenhagen talks, the former U.S. vice-president claimed the North Pole could be completely free of ice by the middle of the next decade.
He claimed a study showed a ‘75 per cent chance’ that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer months within five to seven years.
However, Dr Wieslaw Maslowski, the study’s author, said his research revealed ‘nothing of the sort’.
Spin row: Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore makes his controversial speech during a presentation of a report on the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, at the Bella centre of Copenhagen yesterday.
