Friday, September 20, 2019

Cameron's Failings Revealed By ... Cameron.

The former PM expected diplomacy from the EU but found a bureaucratic Death Star incapable of reform.
If you voted for Brexit, your optimism might be wavering right now. I can propose just the remedy: David Cameron’s memoir. It is, unintentionally, the most convincing case for Brexit that you will ever read.
For The Record was written as political tragedy, a 700-page apology to the nation for the former prime minister’s role in what he regards as a calamity.
But it’s also a candid account of how he pursued an idea – that the EU can be reformed – and tested it to (his) destruction. We see him making allies, drafting strategies, threatening and begging – but his story ends in failure. DT.

Ebrahim Raisi's Death.

 Act of God?