Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thou Shalt Opt For State Education.

John McDonnell has thrown his weight behind a campaign to abolish independent schools, declaring that they no longer “need to exist”. 
In a radical move, the shadow chancellor has backed a pressure group calling for private institutions to be stripped of their charitable status and their assets redistributed across the state sector. 
In a video endorsement, Mr McDonnell said he supported an “Abolish Eton” motion due to be debated at Labour’s annual party conference next week, which could be adopted as official party policy. DT.
Blogger: Let us forget the fact that we like to consider ourselves a free country; let us forget our right to choose; let us not forget that the leadership of Labour is marxist.
Let us remember that the state would have to pay to educate all these extra children! 
In other words, taxation (or more typically borrowing and putting future generations into hock for yet another toxic leftist principle) would have to increase!
The one up side to all of this is how many of these institutions are now churning out dyed-in-the-wool leftists by the batch to infect the monied classes.
So - it would not be all bad if they had to close.
Even so, what of the tens, if not hundreds of thousands of parents who have made mighty sacrifices to privately educate their children because their offspring simply cannot fit into the comprehensive model.
I have had significant experience of helping autistic children in the private sector for whom comprehensives either cannot or will not help!

The Church And Gender.

  CP Podcasts Home Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle SEASON FINALE: How Should The Church Respond To Gender Ideology?...