Friday, September 20, 2019

Those Horrible Moments - But If They Are Superstitions, You Only Have Yourself To Blame!

1. Breaking a mirror
2. Stepping on a crack
3. Stepping in a puddle
4. Stepping on a Lego brick
5. Accidentally pressing "Reply All"
6. Using decaf by mistake
7. Your boss saying "Can I have a word?"
8. Forgetting your jacket in September
9. Working in a black cat sanctuary
10. Working in a ladder showroom
11. Working in an umbrella repair shop and having to check your work 
12. Working as an artist who specialises in making mosaics out of mirrors
13. Wearing a grey t-shirt on an unexpectedly warm day
14. Opening a bag of rice too aggressively and getting rice absolutely everywhere
15. Being on the same plane as a Stag Do
16. Being on the same plane as a Hen Do
17. Being in the general vicinity of a Stag or Hen Do
18. Saying “you too” when the waiter says “enjoy your meal”
19. Going for a hug when they go for a handshake
20. Forgetting someone’s name but having to introduce them to someone else
21. When someone gets your name wrong but you’re too awkward to correct them
22. When you’ve met someone multiple times but they have no memory of it
23. Posting a message in the wrong group chat
24. Two blue ticks and no response
25. Getting the middle seat on a plane
26. Getting the aisle seat on a plane when the middle and window seats are occupied by people with small bladders
27. An egg yolk splitting
28. Not saving your work
29. Rain on your wedding day
30. A free ride when you’ve already paid
31. A traffic jam when you’re already late
32. Ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
33. The vast majority of things that Alanis Morrisette incorrectly classes as “ironic” in her hit song of the same title from her 1995 album “Jagged Little Pill” 
34. Running into an ex when you’re trying out a new hairdo
35. Running into an ex when you’ve trying out a new hat
36. Running into an ex in general
37. Trying to top your petrol up to a round number but it goes 1p over 
38. Spoting a speling mistaek after you pres send
39. Falling head-over-heels in love with a boy but knowing that you will never be able to be together because your families have a violent, long-running feud so you concoct an elaborate scheme to fake your own death and elope, only for your star-crossed lover to miss the memo about the ‘fake death’ part
40. Calling your teacher "mum"

Ebrahim Raisi's Death.

 Act of God?