Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coronavirus and Salvation.

For all my readers who have, thus far, ignored the Saviour - now is the time to ask a single question. 
What if all these Christians who claim to know God are actually being honest and are neither nut-jobs nor liars?

If I am right and have given my life over to Jesus during the last four and a half decades for something that is actually real, I am guessing that this may be taken as an example. You may think it is just a rather quirky hobby but I know something you most assuredly do not.

I know as an absolute certainty that there is a God who loves both Justice and Mercy.
The Justice we have all earned is to see us every one of us consigned into Hell for all of the times we have gone against Our Father In Heaven.

However, I am one of billions who has decided that Heaven is a better option. God, the Incarnate Deity, took human form as Jesus - also known as God The Son. He shed His blood, suffered and died in order to buy back the lost ie) you and me.

He invited us to accept His blood sacrifice, to be 'washed free of all our sin'. This was the price which he paid to 'buy back from Hell' all those willing to repent of past wrongdoing; those who will undertake to bow the knee to Him.

Half-hearted repentance is unacceptable. This is an all-or-nothing decision that we must take and live up to. Some will tell you that it is easy. It isn't!

Your life will be better on earth and your future is no longer desperately awful.

Perhaps it is time to investigate.

As a 21 year old sceptic - and frankly, someone who preferred extinction to the idea of eternal life - I made a promise to myself to seek honestly and accept whichever was the reality.

I opted to read the New Testament and study the background intently in my search for Truth. My first shock was just how much I liked this Jesus guy who was nothing like He is portrayed. 
First shock - He wasn't 'religious' in that sickly sense we understand the word today. He was real.
The Scriptures tell us that if we 'seek [honestly] we shall find.'

I suspect that simple fear of the Coronavirus is going to have many thinking rather hard about their erstwhile dishonesty.
Replace previous dishonesty with true investigative honesty and you will discover the excitement of entering into a a genuine relationship with God.
