Monday, March 30, 2020

Understanding The Book of Judges.

"Scholars agree that the Deuteronomists' hand can be seen in Judges through the book's cyclical nature: the Israelites fall into idolatry; God punishes them for their sins with oppression by foreign peoples; the Israelites cry out to God for help; God sends a judge to deliver them from the foreign oppression."

1) "The Israelites cry out to God for help." How is that working throughout the nations today, I wonder? 
2) Is our world even capable of "crying out to God", I wonder?
3) What can we see to suggest that we are at the very end of end times, I ask myself?
4) We are "sheep without a shepherd" - let alone The Good Shepherd who is the ultimate answer to all of our questions.
5) Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish."
