Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Extremism - Oh, Yes.

Extremism? - Oh, yes!

Are the hard right extremists? - In so very many ways, the answer must be  a clear and resounding 'yes' but there is a far more important question to be asked.
Are the mainstream parties who have robbed us of our culture, our rights, our heritage, our entitlement to free speech and freedom of thought actually any better? Just because what they have done to us has been gradual does not mean that we should lend them any future support.
They handed over our nation into the hands of: criminals; the ironically named do-gooders; foreign powers; bureaucrats and the imperialism of Brussels for 46 years. They have allowed the Chinese to complete the dismantling of our manufacturing base.
They have taxed us to a wicked extent to fund their fads and have undermined Christianity at every point.

They have brought us the wretched 'multiculture' as a replacement for social integration - and expect us to be grateful. They have snouts in the trough; lie to us consistently; enact the 'Nanny State; tell us what we must think and even how we must feel. They are without any sense whatsoever of the meaning of justice, evenhandedness or basic fairness.
As for the Greens - they are the same as The LibLabCon - just more so!
There are some signs that the Tories are starting to get the message - that the people matter far more than crazed ideologies.
