Thursday, April 23, 2020

When A Vaccine Is Ready - Here's The Press Conference.

When the Health Secretary announces that we've created a world-saving vaccine at the daily press conference:

BBC: Will you apologise for not creating it sooner?

ITV: Will you apologise for not creating it sooner? Follow-up: Isn't it true that it contains dead kittens?

C4: Will you apologise for not creating it sooner? Follow-up: Why didn't you join an EU vaccination scheme?

Sky: You said creating a vaccine would be difficult, do you now accept that you weren't telling the truth? Follow-up: Will you apologise for not creating it sooner?

Buzzfeed: 37 reasons why the UK is still a terrible country

Independent: Isn't it true that austerity stopped the vaccine being made sooner?

Guardian: Vaccines are racist.
