Monday, June 01, 2020

One Hundred Plus Murderers Released To Kill Again In The UK In Just Fifteen Years.

When I think of the stitherum that leftist liberals got into over alleged 'miscarriages of justice' in executions in the 50s and 60s - I stand in wonder!
Ruth Ellis apparently should not have been executed in 1956 - as she was blonde and pretty and had only gunned her boyfriend down in the street.

Derek Bentley should not have hanged as he was 'innocent'. Well, he was only part of a joint enterprise with partner Craig, in which a police officer was shot dead. He was so 'innocent' that he asked Craig to shoot the PC. (Don't get me going on the wicked defence put up and the disingenuous, misleading film about the matter.) Oh, incidentally, Bentley also bought the bullets for the murder weapon.
Timothy Evans was 'innocent' - right up to the point you read 'The Two Killers of Rillington Place' by John Eddowes whose own father had conspired with Ludovik Kennedy to turn Evans into a martyr. The campaign 'to clear his name' was a total sham.
So many books were written about the 'innocence' of James Hanratty - that the surviving authors must have been a tad put out when DNA proved categorically that Hanratty was 100% guilty after decades of bleating from, mainly, the 'do-gooding' left.
Against this background of 'the failings of justice' for these four - there were great campaigns about the 'dangers of hanging the wrong person'. TV programmes, books, angry politicians, films, documentaries. ALL total propaganda!

 So. Might I now dare to enquire just why the lives of these four murderers were so important and the lives of the hundred + victims mentioned above are not? Why are they not getting brought almost weekly to the attention of the public by the media?
