Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Soft On Evil? - There Are ALWAYS Social Consequences!

You know a society is degenerate when it tolerates naked evil in its midst.
I recently read a headline crying out about what we should do about all the criminal youngsters - which linked in nicely to the whole knife crime issue.
PUNISH them properly and severely. Let all punishments fit the crimes committed.
(Funny how few juvenile crimes there are in Singapore where caning is available to their courts, innit?
I have to wonder why this is.
It cannot be the deterrent effect because sociologists, liberals etc tell us that this does not work. I can't imagine what it can be then.)

Put simply, our nation prefers having crime to having the bottle to deal with offenders properly.
I wonder how many prison and juvenile offender institutions would have a surfeit of places if we got tough? Think of the money saved. Think how we would not be sending some young people to so-called 'universities of crime'.

The liberal left is to be thanked warmly for our crime-ridden streets.

Back Into The EU? - A Plan, Yes, But What A Disastrous One!

  Latest analysis suggests Britain would have  had to hand over the same amount of money this year to the EU as Labour claim they needed to ...