Saturday, October 03, 2020

Huge Chunks of Time Off Already Light Prison Sentences Must End.

 Sources speaking to The Telegraph said that the justice secretary, Robert Buckland, is considering ending the practice of offering criminals time off of their sentences if they plead guilty when asked for the first time. Initially, the rollback on plea deals is being considered for murder and manslaughter but may be extended to other major offences.

The measure is meant to save victims of crimes the ordeal of having to testify in court. However, the source said that the system is being misused by criminals who are benefiting more than the victims.
The source told the Conservative Party-backing newspaper: “If you get caught red-handed killing someone, say on camera, should you really get a third off for pleading guilty?”
Blogger: the time has come to end the practice of considering criminals to be more important than their victims!
