Wednesday, November 25, 2020

We Have A Tory Administration - Just What Is It For?

 Islamic hardliner who funded group that called Jihadi John a 'beautiful young man' is invited to address civil servants.

  • Sufyan Ismail, is the founder of Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend)
  • Advocacy group accused of being divisive and staff engaging in hate speech
  • Revealed he was invited to speak at online Civil Service Muslim Network event
  • Sara Khan, the commissioner for countering extremism led outcry against invite
  • The founder of a hardline Islamic lobbying group accused of making derogatory remarks about Jews and spreading conspiracy theories was invited to speak to civil servants, it has emerged.
    Sufyan Ismail, 45, is the founder of Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND),  an NGO that aims to encourage British Muslim communities to be more involved in British media and politics.
    The advocacy group also ardently opposes the government's anti-radicalisation strategy.By WILLIAM COLE FOR MAILONLINE
PUBLISHED:  12:53, 23 November 2020
