Friday, November 20, 2020

You Believe In God. So What?

I am fed up with people declaring that they 'believe in God'.

Big deal! That is so utterly meaningless. I believe that there are planets in the sky which cannot be seen by the naked eye but I have zero connection with them.

Okay. It makes sense to believe that God exists unless you believe that 'nothing begets something' - an incredibly illogical stand puzzlingly adopted by many scientists but far from all.

What is insane, however, against that backcloth, is to do nothing whatsoever about this alleged 'belief'.

If you believe that there is a Supreme Being then, by definition, He/She/It must be the most important single fact in the entire universe.

And you ignore this, dear 'vacuously religious person'?

Check out religions. Any thinking person will grasp that either all are wrong or just one is right. So many have zero substance or are based on philosophical guesswork. All of these may be quickly dumped. There must be substance.

You may well ask why Christianity is the biggest of all religions. Is that because, amongst all the spiritual, there are History, rationality and opportunities to prove its validity to oneself all provided in The Maker's Handbook? - Well, yes.

What about Judaism? Well  it is a lead in to Christianity. All of Jewish Scripture points to what this God was doing. I am always amazed how the Messiah comes, wholly as promised, and so many Jews fail to spot the blindingly obvious. Sigh.

And Islam? A bolt-on, moon god based religion which contradicts so many of the Scriptures in order to follow its own path a whole half millennium after the events of that same New Testament which had clearly declared that there was 'nothing left to add'. The inventor of that religion apparently did not take this into account.

If this Christian God exists - then He matters above all other things.

His opinions - amazingly - are superior to our own.

He may have demands to make on us. Just how stoopid would it be to ignore Him? Might there not be earth-shattering consequences - not only to this world but for you and your eternal destination.

Shrug. "Course I believe in God." - I repeat, "SO WHAT?"
