Saturday, March 27, 2021

Myanmar Update.


We’re so pleased to share that this week both the UK and US imposed sanctions against Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd (MEHL), owned by the military junta in Myanmar/Burma. 
These targeted measures are exactly what we’ve advocated for in recent years, and which so many of you have campaigned and prayed for with us – thank you! 
These military companies play an important role in financing the military to silence peaceful protesters, and oppress and kill minority ethno-religious groups including the Rohingya, Kachin and Shan, so this is a vital step forward. 
A fast-moving situation in China 
Many of you have also joined us in applying economic pressure to the Chinese government, by calling on brands to ensure they don’t use Uyghur forced labour.  
This week the Chinese authorities stirred up citizens to boycott H&M because H&M expressed concerns about reports of Uyghur forced labour. We’ve also seen sanctions imposed on Chinese officials whom the UK government has named as “perpetrators of gross human rights violations in Xinjiang”. In return, China has imposed sanctions on UK MPs for “telling lies”. 
We thank God for your activism and prayer 
It’s so important that the UK, US and other governments continue to stand up to China and Myanmar by applying pressure – and we know this wouldn’t happen without people like you speaking out.  
Please continue to pray for both the people of Myanmar and all those suffering in China for what they believe.  
Head of Campaigns
PS. You may be interested to see all the different ways CSW works (along with many other great organisations) to effect change like this. Since the coup in Myanmar on 1 February, we have: 
  • Published 13 articles and 6 press releases on the situation, both covered in 11 different media outlets, plus 2 radio interviews and a blog analysing the events. 
  • Briefed 23 peers ahead of 2 parliamentary debates on the coup and assisted a peer to table 3 written parliamentary questions on the situation. 
  • Signed an open letter from 137 organisations to the UN Security Council and individual UN Member States, calling for a coordinated global arms embargo on Myanmar in response to the military coup. 
  • Hosted a Global Day of Prayer for Myanmar/Burma online event attended by over 400 people. The event, including Cardinal Bo’s message, was covered in 14 media outlets. 
  • Led a campaign in which 814 supporters emailed the UK Foreign Secretary, calling for more robust sanctions against the Myanmar/Burma military, and for aid to get through.  
  • Made an oral statement on the situation in Myanmar at the UN Human Rights Council session in March. 

A Verse of Great Encouragement.