Sunday, March 28, 2021


that its
 founder had engaged in 
sexual misconduct over the course of many years and 
promised further information when the investigation into 
the matter was complete. Late Thursday afternoon, RZIM 
released the full report as they had received it, along with an
 extended, contrite statement of apology.
Ravi was a significant personal influence and a great friend 
of the Colson Center. When Ravi died in May of last year, we
 honored him. At the time, both Ravi and RZIM leadership
 claimed that allegations of an inappropriate relationship 
had been dismissed and disproven after a thorough investigation. 
We trusted the information provided to us. We were wrong. I
 both believed and shared excuses that explained Ravi’s behavior. 
By doing that, I was wrong and misled others. To be clear, no one 
at the Colson Center had any sense just how much would be
 revealed in this final report. But I wish I had not been so quick
 to trust what I wanted to be true.
There is no sugar-coating, excusing, or explaining away Ravi’s
 behavior. It was sinful. It was wicked. And, as this report made
 crystal clear, it was duplicitous. Reading through it, I couldn’t
 shake the words I heard time and time again from Chuck 
Colson: “There is no limit to the human capacity for 
That’s why Proverbs uses the word “folly” to describe sin.
 As a mentor of mine used to say, sin makes us dumb. Buried
 in sin, we become fools, actually convincing ourselves that,
 for the first time in human history, we will be the ones to get 
away with it.
As sin takes us deeper than we ever imagined possible, others
 are dragged along into our self-deception. Sin always leaves
 other victims, human beings made in the image of God and for 
whom Christ died. The number of women Ravi abused, and the 
degree to which he deceived them, is breath-taking. RZIM has
 committed to make restitution and care for these women. I hope
 and pray they will. And there are other victims to remember: 
family members, friends, and the many disillusioned others
 around the world.
Recently, a BreakPoint listener emailed us asking how we should 
respond to cases like this, when a Christian leader or teacher is 
caught in sexual misconduct. Is it possible to separate the good
 that they’ve done and the truth they’ve taught, the person and
 their sin? What about in cases such as this, when the perpetrator
 is gone and has no further opportunity to acknowledge his sins,
 repent, and seek forgiveness?

We need not deny that Ravi’s teaching helped many Christians
 make sense of the Faith, deal with their doubts, and engage
 other people with the Gospel, in order to acknowledge the 
depth of his depraved behavior. As my colleague Shane Morris
 pointed out a few weeks ago, no one is “made of finer clay”
 than anyone else. As St. Paul wrote, “There is none righteous,
 no not one.”
It’s also important to remember, to borrow a phrase popularized
 by Christian educator Arthur Holmes, “all truth is God’s truth.”
 In other words, if Ravi Zacharias ever said anything true in his
 life, and of course he did, he was not its source but only its 
medium. Any truth – all truth – comes ultimately from God, 
outside of time or place or context. Even if delivered by the
 most sinful voices, truth is as eternal and unchanging as God Himself.
A postmodern worldview, in contrast, relativizes truth to cultural
 settings or individuals. In other words, truth is not absolute. But,
 if truth is dependent on the shifting sands of attitudes, beliefs,
 perceptions of a culture or an individual, anything we build on 
it must collapse when any of those things do.
Of course, knowing that doesn’t make what’s happened any
 less painful, disorienting, or consequential, especially for 
all those women involved. Having talent, even amazing talent,
 to communicate does not give one a divine right or inherent 
privilege (and it is an incredible privilege) to have or to keep a
 public platform. Scripture is clear: teachers are stewards of the
 truth, and therefore held to a higher standard. 
This is not the same thing as cancel culture, which is so popular
 in our time. Cancel culture cancels people because of their
 different beliefs. This is about u; this is about 
reprehensible behaviour that deeply harmed other people. 
Finally, let this be a reminder to not trust ourselves, but only 
God and His Spirit. Pray for your pastor, church leaders, spouse,
 and whomever else God has put in your life. We need His protection
 from the real and ever-present temptations, as well as from our
 own capacity to deceive ourselves and then rationalize our behaviour.
Image Sourced from Instagram. John Stonestreet.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.