Thursday, April 22, 2021

So. What Froze Texas?

GLOBAL WARMING FROZE TEXAS, claimed climate activists in February 2021 who blamed recent record cold weather on a disrupted polar vortex. Funny that this editor was alive in the 1960’s and 70’s when GLOBAL COOLING was blamed on the same thing! Watch Sky News report here. Creation Research.

Blogger: certainly, back in the 70s, the doom merchant scientists were insisting that we were heading towards a new ice age.
Funny that throughout my childhood, the horrendous air pollution from chimneys in family homes; from factories; steel works and from appalling diesel exhaust fumes from lorries and buses - which came close to killing me - has eased considerably but yet, it will now cause a global warming which did not happen in far worse conditions. Odd, innit?
"But there are more vehicles on the roads today" do I hear the apologists cry?
Sorry. But back in the 50s - you had to be there and experience it then you would not be talking as so many of the uninformed do today.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.