Thursday, June 03, 2021

Would You Care To Help Lepra?

Dear Friends,
In just 3 short weeks, we have already received an amazing £15,000 in support of our COVID-19 vaccination emergency appeal - thank you. 

Despite an unprecedented surge in COVID-19 cases in India causing a major threat to its health system, vaccination drives in most states have actually been slowed and many institutions told to stop due to national vaccine supply shortages. Lepra, however, is determined to deliver its plan for the vaccination of over 10,000 people affected by leprosy in the states of Bihar, Telengana and Andhra Pradesh.
India requires approximately 1.9 billion vaccine doses to cover 940 million people. However, domestic vaccine production is estimated to reach only 170 million doses by the end of June. This equates to 230 people competing for each injection, and those with no access to digital technology are at a disadvantage. Smartphone penetration in rural India reached only 25% in 2018, and just 4% of rural households had access to computers.

Whilst the supply of vaccines remains a serious and ongoing issue, Lepra has been driving forward with its vaccination awareness raising programme. With awareness levels extraordinarily low in rural communities coupled with visibly high levels of vaccination fear, careful and considered awareness raising will be a critical component to the uptake of the vaccine in rural communities in the weeks and months to come.  Using our self-help self-care groups already embedded within local communities, Lepra is a valuable strategic partner working tirelessly to support the COVID-19 vaccination effort, whilst continuing to offer PCR testing.

Lepra staff in Bihar use innovative ways to spread the message about COVID-19 vaccinations.

Did you know that Lepra is also involved in delivering vital oxygen supplies to our local health centres, often serving the health needs of those most vulnerable people living in highly remote, rural communities?  Keep abreast of our COVID-19 work in rural communities by following our emergency appeal webpage.
