Friday, July 02, 2021

Hot In Oregon. So?


One good thing about being a “denier” is that you don’t have to deny the obvious. Including that climate always changes, that there’s always been bad weather, that there was a Medieval Warm Period and so on. But also that sometimes things happen that seem to fit the alarmist narrative. For instance it was very hot in the American west in June. And if it becomes a pattern, and not just in one region, it will be evidence that the planet is warming. But so far it’s not. Oregon and its neighbours were sweltering and then the heat reached the formerly cool Canadian West, which the Weather Network promptly quoted a member of its own staff as happening because “Climate change has altered our atmosphere”. But much of the United States, Canada, and other places from India to Antarctica, are not setting records. So if you want to say global warming has hit Oregon, you need to explain why it missed so many other places. Unless you want to deny the obvious. Climate Discussion Nexus.


This historic village in the Lakes is still ‘the loveliest spot that man hath ever found’ . Beloved by Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, t...