Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Racial Harmony Achieved Without Leftist Bigots Causing Huge Division!

Singapore a rare, precious example of harmonious multiracial, multi-religious society: PM Lee. Straits Times.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong with members of the Inter-Religious Organisation.Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong with members of the Inter-Religious Organisation.PHOTO: FACEBOOK/LEE HSIEN LOONG
SINGAPORE - Telok Ayer Street was once part of Singapore's shoreline and migrants who arrived by sea built their places of worship nearby.
The area displays remarkable religious diversity even now, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in a Facebook post on Thursday (July 20).
He went on a walking tour of five places of worship along the street on Wednesday, and met leaders of the church, temples, mosque and shrine that have been there for more than a century.
Race, language and religion are fault lines that have torn many societies apart, PM Lee noted in his post, which came on the eve of Racial Harmony Day.
"Singapore is a rare and precious example of a multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-religious society where people live harmoniously together," he wrote.
"This is not by chance. The Government and the different communities worked hard together to make this happen."
The Harmony in Diversity Gallery, which houses exhibits and interactive features that highlight the common thread among the different religions, is one such collaboration, said PM Lee.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong poses in front of a trick-eye mural at the Harmony in Diversity Gallery. PHOTO: FACEBOOK/LEE HSIEN LOONG
He had also visited the gallery in Maxwell Road on Wednesday, and wrote a pledge that said: "Long may we live peacefully and harmoniously in multiracial and multi-religious Singapore."
PM Lee adds his pledge to the Harmony Tree. PHOTO: FACEBOOK/LEE HSIEN LOONG
PM Lee's first stop on Wednesday was the Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church, where services are still conducted in Hokkien. It was set up for immigrants from China's Fujian province, and during the Japanese Occupation provided them refuge.
PM Lee and Mrs Lee at the Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church. PHOTO: FACEBOOK/LEE HSIEN LOONG
He then went to the Al-Abrar Mosque, which served the Chulias - Tamil Muslims from India who were among Singapore's earliest immigrants.
PM Lee and Mrs Lee at the The Al-Abrar Mosque. PHOTO: FACEBOOK/LEE HSIEN LOONG
He next visited the Thian Hock Keng Temple, one of the country's oldest Hokkien temples, then moved next door to a Taoist temple, Singapore Yu Huang Gong.
PM Lee and Mrs Lee visit the Thian Hock Keng Temple, one of the oldest Hokkien temples in Singapore. PHOTO: FACEBOOK/LEE HSIEN LOONG
The Taoist temple was previously the site of Keng Teck Whay Association, which was started in 1831 by 36 Hokkien Peranakan merchants from Malacca. It still houses the Peranakan ancestral hall and clan complex.
PM Lee and Mrs Lee offer incense at the Singapore Yu Huang Gong. PHOTO: FACEBOOK/LEE HSIEN LOONG
PM Lee ended his tour at the Nagore Dargah Indian Muslim Heritage Centre.
PM Lee and Mrs Lee at the Nagore Dargah Indian Muslim Heritage Centre. PHOTO: FACEBOOK/LEE HSIEN LOONG
Originally a shrine built in honour of Shahul Hamid, a holy man from India, the centre now has exhibition galleries that pay tribute to the contributions of Indian Muslim pioneers in Singapore.
PM Lee wrote: "My thanks to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Inter-Religious Organisation, and members of the different faith communities in Singapore for helping to build a harmonious and peaceful Singapore."

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