Sunday, July 18, 2021

Well Done, Izzy. - But I Very Much Doubt That You Will Succeed.

Christian mother takes school to court over gay pride parade.

Staff writer   12 July 2021 | 6:57 AM
Izzy Montague
A Christian mother who says her 4-year-old son was forced to take part in a gay pride parade against her will have her case heard in court this week.
Izzy Montague says she was told by the headteacher of Heavers Farm Primary School in Croydon, south London, that her son could not opt out of the 2018 pride event despite the family's Christian beliefs. 
She is taking the school to court for direct and indirect discrimination, victimisation and breaches of statutory duties under the Education Act 1996 and the Human Rights Act 1998. CT.
