Friday, February 11, 2022

Ex-Porn Star Proffers Good Advice.

 Ex-porn star details how she embraced a life of purity, shares tips for singles.

Brittni and Richard De La Mora Brittni and Richard De La Mora | 
Ex-porn star Brittni De La Mora, who found God and pursued sexual purity until she was married, has shared tips for how people can resist the temptations that come with being single.
After seven years working as a porn star, De La Mora came to know Jesus and left the porn industry behind. Now, she's a podcast host and leads the Christian ministry Love Always Wins alongside her husband, Pastor Richard De La Mora.
Following her conversion, De La Mora took a vow of celibacy, abstaining from sex until marriage. Now married for six years, she and her husband shared tips for singles on how to be pure in a February episode of their podcast, "Let's Talk Purity." 
"When I was single, I feel like practicing sexual purity was pretty easy because when I was single, I actually committed to not date anybody for an entire year. So, I didn't have any distractions," Brittni De La Mora said. "I wasn't hanging out with guys one-on-one. And so, it wasn't as difficult. Sometimes you get that feeling down there, but it passes."
The ministry leader reflected on her time in the porn industry, revealing she lived a life of sin by starring in explicit films and abusing drugs. At the time, she was not convicted of her sin, yet still felt "awful," "depressed" and "suicidal" about her actions.
After converting to Christianity, De La Mora heard a pastor talk about how he and his wife waited until marriage to have sex and how it was one of the best decisions he'd ever made.
Those words, she said, stuck with her and made her wish she could've had that same opportunity.
"And for those people, who ask me, 'Why don't you delete your [porn] videos?' I can't. … When you sign your contract away, they repurpose your videos," she said, explaining why her porn videos are still online. "So, they're just stuck on the net, unfortunately. There's nothing I can do about it. And it's awful. It's not something that I'm proud of. I don't make residuals from it. They're just out there." 
"And that's why, singles, you also need to really be careful what you're posting on the internet because you never know what your future spouse may come across," she warned. "You never know what your future children may come across. … Be careful of those images. … That's good wisdom for a single person." 
Prior to meeting her now-husband, De La Mora took a year off of dating and embraced singleness as part of her vow to God. Around that same time, Richard De La Mora, who had recently experienced a breakup, reached out to his now-wife and asked her to keep him in her prayers.
"That to me, was dynamic confirmation," Brittni De La Mora said. "I didn't want to see your heart broken, but I was like, 'Oh my goodness God, that is confirmation,' because the whole time I was waiting, the Lord was telling me you were going to be my husband."  
The couple reflected on the importance of individuals becoming healthy before entering into a relationship. Richard De La Mora said many people have the misconception that if they rush into a relationship, then they will be "fulfilled." However, he said, partners cannot fulfill one another; they can only complement one another. 
"Only Jesus fulfills us. So, if we set up thinking that, 'Oh, when I get in a relationship with you, everything is going to be fine, there's going to be no problems, you're going to be the cure to all my answers,' we are setting ourselves up for failure," he contended. 
During her year-long single period, Brittni De La Mora said there were a few things God had to work on in her to prepare her for the dating stage and eventually marriage. Spending time with God on a daily basis, she said, helped her stay on track.
"Just by spending time with God daily, with no agenda. Like my agenda wasn't anything but, 'I just want to know You Lord, reveal to me who You are.' And in Him revealing to me who He was, He showed me who I was," she said.
"He healed my heart. He gave me strength to forgive every person that has ever hurt me, which is so powerful because you don't want to take your past baggage into your new relationship. Your past baggage will destroy your current relationship," she continued.
The ministry leader said the Lord took her through a "beautiful journey of healing and forgiveness," emphasizing her self-worth.  
"When you know who you are in Christ, you won't settle for anyone who can love you less than Christ. And I know wholeheartedly, had I not waited, and had I not been healed by God, and started to understand who I was in Him, I wouldn't have attracted a man of God like yourself," she said to her husband.  CP.
"I was able to attract a man of God because I had become a woman of God," she said. CP.
