Thursday, February 03, 2022

Kyoto & Paris Abject Flops Regarding Climate Change, LEARN THE UNVARNISHED TRUTH IN THIS SEVEN MINUTE VIDEO.

Blogger: a few short months ago, world leaders met to hammer out 'net zero' policies. Kyoto had failed totally; Paris had failed to an almost identical degree; the last effort has learned NOTHING from those previous failures. LOOK AT THE SCIENTIFIC FACTS ABOVE. THEY ARE UNAMBIGUOUS!
What this crazy policy-making is doing is to hammer the cost of living of billions across the globe. (A great way to cull human beings from Malawi to Ethiopia and beyond.)

Why are energy prices rocketing off the scale? - Because, in the UK, all major parties support policies to: forget the 350 years of coal supply we still have beneath these islands; to forget the cheaper, cleaner option of shale gas beneath our feet which would last until the arrival of cold fusion and will solve all energy problems; we have effectively cut our nuclear programmes to an horrendous degree; we have put our future into the hands of tyrant states; we ignore the remaining oil around our shores.

Remember that, the BBC mouthpiece for green pinkos, has banned all mention of science which disproves the current climate change hypotheses. WHY will they not permit debate?
You only try to ban debate when you are certain that your own case will not stand up to even the most minor of scrutiny.

It begins TODAY, the road to poverty, as our gas and electric bills are going to be hiked up by 50% - and for what gain? - A great big zilch!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE spend 7 minutes of your life watching this video. The reality as opposed to the sinister dreams will shock you. Now the prices are sailing away into the stratosphere - maybe, just maybe, it is time to find out why.

The simple answer is: politicised, mendacious science.

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...