Saturday, February 12, 2022

Please Help.

My Gift Today - Donate Now

Zabi’s* father and brother were killed by the Taliban for being Christians. Now Zabi has fled Afghanistan, and is living as a refugee in a neighbouring country. 

“Our situation is desperate,” she says. “What will happen to me? I feel alone and hopeless.” 

I’m so grateful for your support for the persecuted church. Today, will you give a gift to show Christians facing extreme persecution that they are not alone?

Every £37 could provide emergency food, medicine and shelter for a month to a family of Christian refugees fleeing extreme persecution. 

“You are a strand of hope to me,” says Zabi. She is getting vital help from Open Doors partners. So many more Christians need that help.

    My Gift Today

    Thank you so much for standing alongside our brothers and sisters who face extreme persecution.  

    With every blessing, 

    Henrietta Blyth
    CEO, Open Doors UK & Ireland

    Donald Trump's Promises.

                                       WOW!              (Compare to our feeble, insipid PM.)