Taking a stand
“Understanding the times” is a theme that should resonate in our hearts as we seek to navigate life in 2021. “What is truth?”, Pilate mused (Jn 18:38). Truth or deception, integrity or agenda, freedom or control, guidance or censorship – how do we make sense of it all? We certainly need to put on our spiritual armour (Eph 6), pray, and having done all, stand. But where do we take our stand when faced with the present-day avalanche of information.
Christians have an anchor for the soul that is grounded in the finished work of Christ (Heb 6:19). Like Gideon’s 300-strong army, our faith needs to overcome fear (Judges 7:3). These truths provide us with a secure starting point.
Unprecedented but not unpredicted
“These are unprecedented days” declare our secular leaders; and they surely are. But “unpredictable” days? Absolutely not. For the Christian these days are not unprecedented either to the Lord or the Bible. Matthew 16:1-3 records Jesus making the point to the Pharisees and Sadducees that though they knew how to interpret the appearance of the sky, they couldn’t interpret the signs of the times.
For the Christian these days are not unprecedented either to the Lord or the Bible.
This raises the question as to what signs we might, or should, be noticing. End-times opinions vary but we can ask if there is anything happening that looks like what the Bible indicates. This should help us in our perspective and discernment of current events. Here are some signs which are worthy of note (none of which stand alone nor should be assessed in isolation).
Israel re-born as a nation and the Jewish people returning to the land. It seems clear that end-time events in the Scriptures set out waypoints in terms of the land, the nation and the people (Is 11:11-12; Zech 10:9-10; Is 66:8).
Israel a military power. Ezekiel 38-39 predicts the well-known Gog/Magog war against Israel which involves a coalition of nations. They would only need such a coalition if they faced a powerful opponent.
A coalition of nations. Is there such a grouping to the north of Israel? We notice current strong political/military elements within Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey actively threatening Israel – and we also have Russia in the mix.
Peace treaty? Daniel 9:27 appears to predict some sort of Middle East peace agreement that will turn out to be a ruse. In 2020 the ‘Abraham Accord’ peace agreement was launched by the US and Israel and signatures have already been obtained from the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.
One world religion and government. We are warned of this in Revelation 13 and 17, so what is visible? We know of the ‘Chrislam’ initiative which has support from some Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders. We may be aware of documents that Pope Francis has approved with leaders of other religions. He has also called for the creation of a global education system, with humanity, not God, at its centre. There have been increasing calls for a global government approach to global problems, where elected authority is given over to the non-elected, who will ‘solve’ our problems. Developments have moved fast in recent years. We ought not to ignore the lack of spiritual resistance to this prospect, reflected in the rise of an apostate church.
An apostate church? We can see Matthew 24:10 at work in a falling away from biblical truth with deceptive teaching. Cultural acceptance of what the Church stands for is more important than declaring the uniqueness of Christ. Ungodly behaviours and laws are not challenged. We have been warned that not standing for the Truth will release a great delusion (2 Thess 2:10-11).
The Nations (ethne). We’re all familiar with Jesus’ statement that the gospel will reach all nations before the end comes (Matt 24:14). Whilst this commission is well on its way to completion, we must also include his previous comment in verse 9 that believers would be hated by all nations! To the astonishment of many, we even see this coming to pass in what has been historically regarded as the gospel-sending nations of the West.
Cultural acceptance of what the Church stands for is more important than declaring the uniqueness of Christ
The Days of Noah. Do we see evidence around us of what Jesus meant in Matthew 24:37? In Noah’s time people did not relate what was happening to impending danger, they were blind to a calamitous change to their way of life. Even more provocative was transhumanism. Women had birthed children with the sons of God (fallen angels) – resulting in the Nephilim; hybrid humans – exactly what is being promoted today by the World Economic Forum and the US military with their cyborg research. With interest and support particularly from the mega-rich, for them this is no less than a desire to do away with the Fall of man and live forever: no need for a Saviour.
Mark of the Beast? (Rev 13:17). There is absolutely no doubt now that implant technology exists to provide readable subcutaneous devices. Even this process is being overtaken by nano technology which can be inserted in the body, programmed and read. Information needed e.g. vaccine passports, digital ID and banking, could easily be loaded. Remember the purpose of the mark is simple – you cannot buy or sell.
- You. What information is needed to describe you, to validate who you are? Personal details, medical/dental records, facial recognition? Passports have the latter and the UK government is working on digital ID.
- Cannot. What permissions do you need? Vaccinated, non-terrorist (will evangelical Christians be included?), socially compliant with approved societal norms and approved social credit score? Systems are being trialled in different countries.
- Buy or sell. The UK is proposing going cashless. So access to and use of your money will be internet-based. This can easily be regulated by the authorities if needed, or frozen.
Everything needed for such a mark is now in hand.
Information needed e.g. vaccine passports, digital ID and banking, could easily be loaded. Remember the purpose of the mark is simple – you cannot buy or sell.
This array of simplified signs should remind us how the Bible prophesies an interlinked, complex web of deception that we will need both the Word and the Spirit, along with support from fellow believers, to find our way through. The beginnings of birth pangs (Matt 24:8) are visible in our day. Evil agendas are also at work and we must not be unaware of the enemy’s schemes (2 Cor 2:11).
While ever alert to the enemy’s devices, let us keep our focus on the Lord. “But my eyes are upon You, O God the Lord; In You I take refuge; Do not leave my soul destitute. Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, And from the traps of the workers of iniquity. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I escape safely” (Ps 141:8-10).
Additional Info
- Author:Lewis Houston