Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sucking Up To Iran - Rank Insanity!

Update from the brink

Stories swirl of an imminent nuclear deal with Iran. But straws in the wind suggest a more complex picture

Iranians burning US flag
Over the past few days, there have been stories swirling around that a nuclear deal is imminent in the negotiations between Washington and Tehran being brokered by the EU. Iran was said to have dropped some key demands; the US said a deal had moved closer. 
That meant the US was poised in effect to funnel some $3 billion in sanctions relief into Tehran between now and 2030. Money that would immensely boost its regional power grab, repression of the Iranian people and terrorist activities worldwide in pursuit of the war it has waged against the west since the Islamic revolutionary regime came to power in Tehran in 1979. 
A deal that would effectively bestow international legitimacy on the nuclear weapons it would now assemble with which it could pursue its genocidal attempts on Israel’s existence and, with its inter-continental ballistic missiles, hold America and the rest of the west to ransom.
A number of other items about this published over the last few days have been deeply concerning.  
On Gatestone, Khaled abu Toameh delivers a chilling assessment — that Iran is preparing to take out Israel right after the Iran deal is signed.
And a prominent Saudi researcher, Abdullah bin Bijad al Otaib, has voiced on Saudi TV what many of us have long concluded — that high-ranking officials in both the Biden and Obama administrations are sympathetic to Iran and willing to look the other way when it comes to the Islamic Republic’s support for terror. ...

A Verse of Great Encouragement.