Monday, August 29, 2022

The 24th of August Is Gone But We Can and Must Still Pray.

Evangelicals issue call to pray for end to war in Ukraine.

Mark King  21 August 2022. CT.
(Photo: Getty/iStock)
The World Evangelical Alliance and European Evangelical Alliance have issued a joint call for prayer to see an end to the war in Ukraine.
Evangelicals are being asked to set aside 24 August - Independence Day in Ukraine - for the day of prayer. 
"On this day of independence, we want to declare our dependence on God, the One who can bring true peace to the hearts of each individual person, each family and even entire peoples," said the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) General Secretary Thomas Bucher.
The day will bring evangelicals together to pray for "an end to the suffering" and "an end to loss of life, an end to destruction and atrocities, and the beginning of healing"

A Verse of Great Encouragement.