Saturday, September 17, 2022

Since February: A Huge Shift in Attitude From Many Who Had Previously Accepted CND Ideology.

Most of us who lived through the Cold War were delighted that when the USSR had a shedload of nukes - we did too!

The imperialistic Soviets would indubitably have blackmailed as many countries as possible into surrender had they not feared NATO's weaponry.
History was on our side as, the only time nuclear bombs have ever been employed was when the USA, which had these terrible weapons, used them against an evil Japanese dictatorship. 

Contrary to the rewriting of the facts over years by leftist historians, the two bombs used in Japan saved millions of our soldiers' lives. The Japanese paid the price for their warmongering rather than Allied troops. A right and proper outcome. There was no middle ground.

Those who do not appreciate that the Japanese would always fight to the death of their very last soldier can never possess a sane overview.

MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction - kept the peace and helped in the collapse of the USSR and freed their satellites from the horrors of marxism.

Over years, via 'so-called education' - and via largely leftist propaganda - young people have been starved of this information and facts as to why the Cold War succeeded so magnificently.
So many took on the 'received wisdom' that 'nukes caused war' and 'besides - they were 'unaffordable'.

That situation is changing rapidly as young people are now starting to grasp the overall situation once having seen the predations of Russia in Ukraine.
The thought of having no means of deterrence against a nuclear foe is too hard to bear.

Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...