Wednesday, November 30, 2022

'State Mouthpiece?' - Not Sure I Agree. 'Obstreperous Group With Deep Leftist Agenda' Would Surely Be More Accurate.

 Martin Lewis warns MPs: BBC got 'very close to looking like state mouthpiece'

The founder made the comments about the corporation's coverage during the coronavirus pandemic.

The BBC got "very close to looking like a state mouthpiece" during the Covid pandemic, Martin Lewis has claimed. The consumer champion warned it was not "particularly good for trust" in the broadcaster.

So Well Explained.

The scapegoating of Brexit.

This malevolent animus has also victimised a patriotic whistleblower

The Scapegoat; William Holman Hunt, 1854
This post has been updated to correct an error in the previous version
When the world goes pear-shaped and people feel discombobulated, hard-up and frightened, they look for a scapegoat. And unscrupulous people provide one.
In Britain, times are hard for a lot of people and likely to get even harder. Inflation is eating away at the real value of people’s incomes. The rise in fuel prices is forcing an unacceptable number to choose between heating and eating. 
The National Health Service is failing badly, with sick people being forced to wait for months or even years for much-needed treatment. Immigration is out of control, putting intolerable pressure on public services especially the supply of housing. Crime and public disorder are out of control while the police appear to be having a collective nervous breakdown. Endless strikes are threatened by public service workers, which will inflict yet more misery on the already beleaguered populace. 
The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is widely regarded as out of touch, inconsistent and ineffectual. The Conservative party is viewed with unbridled contempt as worse than useless, while the Labour party provokes indifference or suspicion over an agenda through which it now competes with the Tories to become standard-bearers of the bland. And all the while, rampant wokery is not only provoking anger and incredulity at the patent lunacy and mass bullying over race, gender and the rest of the ideological onslaught on the west, but is provoking even greater anger and incredulity that no politician is standing up against it.
This is a pretty clear picture of a governing class that’s totally lost the plot, yes? And we’d expect it to be roundly criticised and held to account for these failures, yes? And we might even expect some urgent and anguished discussion about how British society has become so demoralised — in every sense of the word — that its political and cultural elites can no longer deliver, yes? 
No. What are we being told instead is the actual reason for this incompetence, endemic idiocy and absence of cultural spine? Brexit.
Yup, apparently all of the above is due to the fact that Britain was stupid enough to want to govern itself as an independent democratic nation. Tsk!! Or so we are being told incessantly by the Remainer-dominated political, cultural and big-business classes. 
And it appears that, offered this convenient scapegoat, the public is lining up to push it off the cliff. Opinion polls suggest that an increasing number of voters — Professor Matthew Goodwin puts it here at 56 per cent — think leaving the EU was a mistake. Not only that, as you will also read below, the Remainer civil service has now succeeded in pushing a Brexiteer whistleblower over the edge...



atonement [əˈtəʊnmənt]
1. satisfaction, reparation, or expiation given for an injury or wrong
2. (Christian Religious Writings / Theology) (often capital) Christian theol
a.  the reconciliation of man with God through the life, sufferings, and sacrificial death of Christ
b.  the sufferings and death of Christ
[from Middle English phrase at onement in harmony] The Free Dictionary.


When Italy elected Giorgia Meloni as its first female prime minister, her focus on protecting the institution of the family and national identity caused some media outlets to compare her ideology to "fascism." CT.

So, Use Many Kind Words in Your Daily life.

A Tad Late But 1984 Has Certainly Arrived!

Censoring the past is no longer 1984 fiction.

In George Orwell's masterpiece about despotism, 1984, the hero, Winston Smith, goes though old newspapers looking for stuff which no longer fits in with the official version of the truth, and destroys all trace of it.
This censoring of the past is no longer fiction. For instance, a document which says 'We do not have an independent, valid test for ADHD, and there are no data to indicate that ADHD is due to a brain malfunction' has been altered in the records of America's National Institutes of Health. These crucial words have been removed. Nobody can explain how, why, or who did it. But I have a copy of the undoctored original which miraculously survived.
Now there is controversy about a report of the recent massacre in Uvalde, Texas, in that great newspaper The New York Times, famous for its rectitude. In an early account, the newspaper quoted one of the shooter's co-workers at the Wendy's hamburger restaurant in Uvalde as saying she 'recalled he would often talk about how much he despised his mother and grandmother, whom he told her did not let him smoke weed or do what he wanted'.
I am one of a growing number of people who believe – thanks to evidence of drug use among violent killers – that there may be a connection between marijuana use, mental illness and rampage killings.
This report was of great importance to us. So when it vanished from the New York Times website the next day, I tried repeatedly to get an explanation. The newspaper, normally very careful to explain any such changes, has not done so this time. Was the story perhaps wrong? No. The Mail on Sunday sent a reporter, Barbara McMahon, to Uvalde. She tracked down the woman at Wendy's, Jocelynn Rodriguez.
Ms Rodriguez confirmed that she had said the vanished words to a New York Times reporter. She also said the killer had asked colleagues, in her hearing, where he could buy marijuana. I am still trying to get The New York Times to explain why it felt that, of all the news it had in its possession that day, the shooter's liking for marijuana was the bit they did not think was fit to print. Peter Hitchens DM.

Anthropomorphic Climate Change Is A Fake. Do View.

Fuel-Filled Faith.




Leftist, Wokeist Imbecility ALWAYS Fails Ordinary People!

District Attorney Boudin: The chickens do come home to roost!

Chesa BoudinSan Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin tries to distribute election information fliers to potential voters outside of the Castro Street MUNI station on June 07, 2022 in San Francisco, California. Boudin is facing a recall election as San Francisco voters head to the polls on primary election day. | 
Earlier this week the people of San Francisco (perhaps the most “woke” municipality in America) recalled their extremely radical District Attorney Chesa Boudin who, since his election in 2020, had rapidly turned the extremely beautiful city into the equivalent of a third-world nightmare.
San Francisco’s Mayor, London Breed, herself a long-time leftist, summarized the fruit of Boudin’s tenure as actions and policies that have “destroyed our city,” defecation on sidewalks, bold and prevalent armed robberies, rampant, flagrant and public drug use, pandemic shoplifting, car hijackings, and a massive surge in violent crimes.
Mr. Boudin is a high-profile advocate of a social theory known as “decriminalization,” which is a belief that too many ethnic minority youths end up in prison. That observation is unfortunately true. However, Mr. Boudin and his fellow travelers’ cure is worse than the disease. Mr. Boudin’s solution is to leave many more accused criminals roaming the streets and victimizing many more citizens.
When the District Attorney’s office starts ignoring and refusing to enforce laws they have taken an oath to uphold, lawlessness increases at an exponential rate.
Mr. Boudin’s recall was by a veritable landslide. San Francisco sent Mr. Boudin packing by a 60% to 40% vote. He blamed his defeat on “right-wing billionaires,” which is ironic since Mr. Boudin and his fellow extremely liberal D.A.s across the country were in large part funded by George Soros. It has been reported that 75 radical D.A.s around the country are Soros financed and they currently hold office in half the 50 largest cities, sowing chaos and mayhem across the urban centers of America.
What happened in San Francisco is happening nationwide. As Bret Stephens puts it, “In one area after another, the left is being mugged by reality, to borrow Irving Kristol’s famous phrase.”  Or, as my East Texas grandmother used to say, “the chickens do come home to roost!”
His compadre, Los Angeles D.A. George Gascón, is very likely to be recalled as well for his catastrophic tenure in LA.
Will Chesa Boudin and his followers get the message? Some will, evidently including thousands of voters in San Francisco. However, Boudin and those he symbolize will not. They are true believers in their ideology, and they have become “deaf, dumb, and blind” to anything that contradicts their secular religion. As The Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger keenly observed, “The professional left will let their policies collapse a city, a state, nation and even their own careers down to the foundation.” 
It is poetic justice that Mr. Boudin is the first of these catastrophic “woke” D.A.s to be swept out of office. In many ways, he is the “poster boy” for the radical left. Mr. Boudin’s parents, David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, were convicted of murder for their role as members of the Weather Underground in a Brink’s robbery that resulted in two New York police officers and a security guard being killed.
As a consequence, at 14 months of age, Mr. Boudin was raised by his adoptive parents, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (yes, that Bill Ayers and that Bernardine Dohrn, infamous fellow members of the Weather Underground — a terrorist group modeled after Chairman Mao’s Red Guard — and committed to the revolutionary overthrow of the government of the United States). Dohrn was on the FBI’s 10 “Most Wanted List” for several years and considered herself a “revolutionary communist.”
It would have been extraordinary if Mr. Boudin had been able to overcome such a toxic background. Unfortunately, “the acorn has not fallen far from the tree.”
Given the evident bankruptcy and catastrophe-producing nature of the hard-left progressive agenda, you would think at least some of their leaders would re-evaluate their policies!
That will not happen. That means that since they won’t do it, thousands of us who have not been seduced have a responsibility to roll back this madness engulfing our nation.
The most interesting thing to emerge from the Boudin episode surfaces when you begin to analyze the voting patterns in the San Francisco recall election. When you get down to the precinct level, you find that the only places where Mr. Boudin won were the most affluent, overwhelmingly white precincts of the city. When the poorer, less advantaged areas are examined, you find Mr. Boudin falls way behind in the voting.
In other words, the areas of the city that can afford to insulate themselves from the mayhem, criminality, and violence Mr. Boudin’s policies created and encouraged, and could assuage their “white guilt” by doing so were the only ones who continued to back Mr. Boudin.
Those more vulnerable San Franciscans who were forced to live in the midst of the chaos created by Mr. Boudin’s policies, said with their votes, “Enough is Enough! We are not going to sign what Daniel Henninger called ‘the suicide pact that is doctrinaire progressivism.’”
On a wider scale, it is very instructive to note that gun sales have been going up precipitously in our nation. And which Americans are buying weapons at the most increased rate — African-Americans.
“Retailers in an online survey conducted by the National Shooting Sports Foundation … reported that they sold 58% more guns to black customers in the first half of 2020 than a year earlier, the highest increase for any ethnic group. Personal safety tops the list of why people decide to buy a firearm. In a 2021 Gallup survey, 88% of respondents said they own a gun ‘for protection against crime,’ which is up from 67% in 2005,” according to Jason Riley's op-ed in the WSJ, “Why Black Americans Are Buying More Guns."
As has been the case so many times before, the very people the progressive Democrats claim to care about the most are the ones who suffer the most under progressivist policies.
The cities that have the highest rates of gun violence and criminality are also the cities that have the strictest gun laws — gun laws that criminals, because they are criminals, routinely ignore.
The Bible tells us the human heart is flawed. “The heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked. Who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9). That is why God created civil government, to punish those who do that which is evil and to reward those who do that which is right (Rom. 13:1-7).
Progressivism will never work and people will never flourish under its tenets because it is based on an erroneous understanding of human nature.
As one American to another, I say to you my fellow countrymen, “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what He is saying to the churches” (Rev. 2:29). CP.
Dr. Richard Land, BA (Princeton, magna cum laude); D.Phil. (Oxford); Th.M (New Orleans Seminary). Dr. Land served as President of Southern Evangelical Seminary from July 2013 until July 2021. Upon his retirement, he was honored as President Emeritus and he continues to serve as an Adjunct Professor of Theology & Ethics. Dr. Land previously served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (1988-2013) where he was also honored as President Emeritus upon his retirement. Dr. Land has also served as an Executive Editor and columnist for The Christian Post since 2011.
Dr. Land explores many timely and critical topics in his daily radio feature, “Bringing Every Thought Captive,” and in his weekly column for CP.

Back To Glastonbury.

 Sir Lenny Henry worries about the lack of black and brown faces at the Glastonbury Festival. He says: ‘It’s interesting to watch Glastonbury and look at the audience and not see any black people there. I’m always surprised by the lack of black and brown faces at festivals.’

And he has a very serious point. Events such as Glastonbury and the even more self-admiring Hay Literary Festival are summer pilgrimage sites for the Liberal Elite. They go to them to admire each other and themselves. There they are, ageless, virtuous, fashionable, open-minded, or at least that is what they think. But they are also, undoubtedly, as Sir Lenny says they are. And he is absolutely entitled to be worried about it.
Events such as Glastonbury and the even more self-admiring Hay Literary Festival are summer pilgrimage sites for the Liberal Elite
Events such as Glastonbury and the even more self-admiring Hay Literary Festival are summer pilgrimage sites for the Liberal Elite 
No doubt the organisers of these events feel bad about the problem that Sir Lenny has identified, and wish to put it right. Well, I have an instant solution. Instead of sending cross-Channel dinghy migrants to Rwanda on expensive aircraft, why not bus them instead to Glastonbury? The vast sums saved, in transport costs and legal fees, could be used to erect good-quality housing and provide food and other necessities, while also paying for them to have free tickets to the festival. No doubt they would enjoy it greatly. There, they and the Liberal Elite can make each other’s acquaintance in friendly and relaxed conditions. Once the event is over, the migrants could be housed permanently on the site, unless they had all by then been invited to share the homes of festival-goers. The mingling of migrants and elite could become a regular event.
I am sure the Home Office could provide interpreters, as it seems to have so many already, so that the two groups could have a thorough meeting of minds.
Surely, nothing but good could come of this. I am surprised nobody has thought of it before.
What was Sir Lenny Henry hoping to achieve by seemingly suggesting that Glastonbury is some kind of annual racist conspiracy, set to the beat of all-white alt rockers such as Coldplay or U2?
What was Sir Lenny Henry hoping to achieve by seemingly suggesting that Glastonbury is some kind of annual racist conspiracy, set to the beat of all-white alt rockers such as Coldplay or U2?
Yes, Peter!

The Rights of Womxn To Murder The Unborn.

 Strikingly, Mrs Obama’s use of the word ‘womxn’ was related to the Roe v Wade controversy. She shared on Instagram a series of slides created by the nonprofit campaign group When We All Vote. One of them said: ‘State lawmakers will have the power to strip womxn of the right to make decisions about their bodies and their healthcare.’ Spiked.

Blogger: " ... the right to murder unborn children for personal convenience?"

If CSL Was The Most Reluctant Convert - I Probably Came In Second!


Redemption stories are powerful testimonies of not only what we are saved from, but what we saved to. At Wilberforce Weekend, we want to highlight personal stories of redemption to both encourage and challenge Christians- right here and now. The Colson Center is excited to host a special screening of "The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis" presented in-person by the actor portraying C.S. Lewis, Max McLean.  We invite you to join us for this experience and many more dynamic sessions at this year's Wilberforce Weekend conference - May 13th through 15th in Orlando, Florida!


Max McLean is an award-winning actor and founder and artistic director of New York City based Fellowship for Performing Arts. FPA produces theatre and film from a Christian worldview meant to engage diverse audiences. FPA produced and Max stars in the recently released film The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis, which has been seen in cinemas and on video on demand in 127 countries.


Join Max McLean, Nancy Guthrie, Jim Daly, Ryan Bomberger, Rachel Gilson—and many more speakers! Explore theology. Experience stories. Envision life redeemed!

If There Is One Labour Politico Who Can Lose The Next Election - This Is He!

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


 There's No Art To Find The Mind's Construction In The Face. Bill Shakespeare.


 Last week marks the death of Columbanus, a Christ-follower used by God to nurture education and establish the Christian foundations of Europe. Born in 543, Columbanus grew up in an Ireland that had become Christian under the influence of missionaries such as St. Patrick. Despite his mother’s pleas, he left home to join a monastery and, after his own time of learning, joined a group of companions to preach the Gospel.

Landing on the Continent, he preached to locals, squabbled with nearby bishops over the date of Easter, and established a series of educational centres in monasteries across Burgundy and northern Italy. Columbanus believed that education, especially the study of Holy Scripture, offered victory over fleshly desires.
He died in the year 615 at his monastery at Bobbio, a centre for medieval education with one of the best early libraries. Breakpoint.

Fear of The Lord Is Expected of Us.




If You Are Too Young To Remember Mahalia, Have A Look and Listen To Her Awesome Talents on Youtube.

Mahalia Jackson was an American gospel singer, widely considered one of the most influential vocalists of the 20th century. With a career spanning 40 years, ...
