Thursday, November 24, 2022

This Blogger Is Not Homophobic.

 1) I do not fear homosexuals.

2) I have a number of personal friends who happen to be homosexual.
3) I do try to warn homosexuals of God's attitude to their lifestyle because I try pretty hard to love my neighbour. If my next door neighbour's house were ablaze - would I not warn him?
4) Living the homosexual lifestyle is promised to have dire consequences on Judgement Day.
5) Saying "God is wrong. I have no need to repent," will lead to ultimate disaster.
6) Homosexual practice is no more, no less of a sin than any other. But any and all unrepented sin leads inexorably to hell.
7) Renaming sin as 'love' won't work.
8) You are free, of course, to reject the fact that sin will lead to your perdition. The trouble is that I know the Lord personally - and you, tragically, may well not. 
I do actually know whereof I speak. My personal experience with God is neither: delusion, nor insanity, nor the cultivation of 'an imaginary friend' - (Clever retort that oh you atheists, BTW. Bet that one will go down a bundle when you have to fully explain yourself one second after shifting from this mortal coil.)

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...