Wednesday, November 30, 2022

So Well Explained.

The scapegoating of Brexit.

This malevolent animus has also victimised a patriotic whistleblower

The Scapegoat; William Holman Hunt, 1854
This post has been updated to correct an error in the previous version
When the world goes pear-shaped and people feel discombobulated, hard-up and frightened, they look for a scapegoat. And unscrupulous people provide one.
In Britain, times are hard for a lot of people and likely to get even harder. Inflation is eating away at the real value of people’s incomes. The rise in fuel prices is forcing an unacceptable number to choose between heating and eating. 
The National Health Service is failing badly, with sick people being forced to wait for months or even years for much-needed treatment. Immigration is out of control, putting intolerable pressure on public services especially the supply of housing. Crime and public disorder are out of control while the police appear to be having a collective nervous breakdown. Endless strikes are threatened by public service workers, which will inflict yet more misery on the already beleaguered populace. 
The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is widely regarded as out of touch, inconsistent and ineffectual. The Conservative party is viewed with unbridled contempt as worse than useless, while the Labour party provokes indifference or suspicion over an agenda through which it now competes with the Tories to become standard-bearers of the bland. And all the while, rampant wokery is not only provoking anger and incredulity at the patent lunacy and mass bullying over race, gender and the rest of the ideological onslaught on the west, but is provoking even greater anger and incredulity that no politician is standing up against it.
This is a pretty clear picture of a governing class that’s totally lost the plot, yes? And we’d expect it to be roundly criticised and held to account for these failures, yes? And we might even expect some urgent and anguished discussion about how British society has become so demoralised — in every sense of the word — that its political and cultural elites can no longer deliver, yes? 
No. What are we being told instead is the actual reason for this incompetence, endemic idiocy and absence of cultural spine? Brexit.
Yup, apparently all of the above is due to the fact that Britain was stupid enough to want to govern itself as an independent democratic nation. Tsk!! Or so we are being told incessantly by the Remainer-dominated political, cultural and big-business classes. 
And it appears that, offered this convenient scapegoat, the public is lining up to push it off the cliff. Opinion polls suggest that an increasing number of voters — Professor Matthew Goodwin puts it here at 56 per cent — think leaving the EU was a mistake. Not only that, as you will also read below, the Remainer civil service has now succeeded in pushing a Brexiteer whistleblower over the edge...

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...