Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Galatians 5.

 19) The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20) idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21) and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Blogger: interestingly, the very first on this list of sins is 'sexual immorality'.
It would be most fruitful to consider what this actually means. If immorality exists then morality must exist too.
Ergo, we must conclude at the outset that there must exist something we may refer to as 'sexual morality'.
A study of Scripture reveals that this means that sex is wholly restricted to within the confines of the marriage between one man and one woman. Not one word of Scripture speaks otherwise. (Consider the follies of Solomon with his polygamy.)
This means that: fornication, adultery, orgies, sex with the same gender etc are all forbidden - in other words, are sinful.
The licence found throughout the Western World today has concluded that 'immorality' is indeed the 'right way'.

I have meditated for many years over the twin concepts of sin and evil - and to what extent they differ from each other. This is difficult when there is an inevitable overlap.

My best attempt may be a poor effort but nonetheless, it is this: sin is disobedience against what God requires from us whereas, evil goes beyond this by stating/believing that right is wrong and wrong is right. 

Sin equates to wrongdoing but evil is the arrogance to believe that the sin you practise is good, wholesome and proper behaviour.

Against this backcloth, how can any Christian church/Church offer to bless or perform homosexual marriages? How can Communion be offered to people steeped in sexual (or any other) sin? Without repentance - Communion is horrifically abused and far from being without consequence.
How, also, can people who embrace and accept these wrongs be permitted to minister?

All Christians should abandon such institutions forthwith. Should you fail to do so, you become tainted with their sin. No excuses. Leave!

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...