Saturday, December 17, 2022

Transgenderism Undermines Rights of Women.

How transgender consumed women's rights.

Truly, the revolution eats its own

It is an astounding and tragic irony that, at the very moment women are fighting and dying for their rights in Iran, the free world seems to be busily trying not only to destroy the rights of women but also to destroy the very understanding of what a woman actually is.
In Iran, the death of a young woman in the custody of the sinister “morality police,” who had arrested her for allegedly wearing her hijab incorrectly, has sparked a three month uprising across the country intent on bringing the tyrannical Islamic regime down altogether. 
Throughout the developing world, women are deprived of their rights by regimes that keep them subjected because they fear the potential power of women to bring down regimes that enslave everyone.
Yet in Britain, America and elsewhere in the west, women are being written out of the script altogether. People are facing bullying, intimidation and professional and social exile if they insist that a transgender man who claims he has become a woman is still a man. 
The extent to which the transgender lunacy has taken such widespread hold has got many people scratching their heads in perplexity and disbelief. 
While there is rightly sympathy for people who have a disordered sense of their sexual identity, denying the immutability of biological sex is clearly nonsensical and irrational. Yet unlike other ideological fads or or fantasies which periodically grip university dreamers secluded in their intellectual ivory towers, this has spread to a wide range of other institutions. And it is having some truly appalling effects.
How can this have taken such a hold? ...
Blogger: ... and they say that Satan doesn't exist!

Learning From Joseph.