Dan Jerrome, Green Party - 789 votes / 4.27%.
Blogger: as a majority of the people in UK are cold as they dread turning their heating on, yesterday, in the Stretford and Urmston by-election, an incredibly high number of voters opted to vote for the party whose propaganda over decades has brought about the current situation.
They fought against coal - LibLabCons followed them.
They fought against nuclear power - LibLabCons followed them.
They fought against gas - LibLabCons followed them.
They fought against oil - LibLabCons followed them.
They claimed 'renewables would solve everything - LibLabCons followed them.
They wanted 'Net Zero' - LibLabCons followed them.
They wanted no measures such as mothballing power stations etc as a backup in case of emergencies. The LibLabCons followed them.
Yes , our mainstream politicos are weak and pathetic - but this started with the Greens who were also at the forefront of the 'climate change' scaremongering - and the mainstream parties took that on board as well!
May I invite readers to stop and ask why a nation that had all the power it could ever use - totally self-sufficient - has now so many having to make the choice between 'heating or eating'?
Those listed above are ALL responsible for the greatest amount of poverty seen in generations.
LibLabCons have been awful - but the Greens started it.
Phew, thanks guys! (PS - BTW, your marxist roots are showing!)