Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Depravity - Nothing Less.

A culture of willed depravity.

Transgenderism is being driven by the sinister and facilitated by moral cretins

Supporters of the Scottish parliament’s transgender bill displaying their civilised attitudes

As controversy swirls around the Scottish parliament’s bill to allow transgender certification without a medical diagnosis to anyone from age 16, evidence continues to pile up of more and more establishment institutions joining this grotesque and astonishingly harmful bandwagon.

The BBC director-general has reportedly been told by staff to “shut down” the corporation’s Pride network, after complaints that this group “policed” BBC output and stifled debate in order to promoter transgender activism. Fancy!

More than 15,000 people have signed a petition to the Church of England calling on it to scrap its guidance to its 4,700 primary schools that their pupils should be “supported to accept their own gender identity or sexual orientation and that of others”. The guidance goes on:  “In order to do this it will be essential to provide curriculum opportunities where difference is explored, same-sex relationships, same-sex parenting and transgender issues may be mentioned as a fact in some people’s lives.”

This is directed at schools catering for children aged up to 11 years old.

Those who maintain their grip on reality by asserting that biological sex is immutable continue to be harassed, vilified and threatened as TERFS (trans-exclusionary radical feminists).  JK Rowling has long been subjected to horrific intimidation. Labour MP Rosie Duffield has had similar experiences, most recently in the House of Commons where she was jeered by her fellow Labour MPs for speaking against the Scottish bill, following which she likened being in the Labour Party to an abusive relationship. In Scotland itself, Scottish National Party politicians posed with protesters holding signs saying “Decapitate TERFs”. Isn’t liberalism wonderful?!

In the Telegraph, Nick Timothy is but the latest to have written a horrified protest against the harm being done to children by this normalisation and mainstreaming of “gender fluidity” and the extreme physical dangers this poses to women. One point Timothy makes, however, is particularly striking. Entering the necessary caveat that the tiny number of people who are genuinely diagnosed as gender dysphoric should be treated with respect, (Blogger applauds this point!) he writes

Nobody stops to ask how many such men are moved to act in these ways through their own sexual desire. Autogynephilia, the feeling of sexual arousal some men feel as they pretend to be women, is according to some researchers behind many or even most cases of gender dysphoria among those born as men.

This observation reveals an even more disturbing aspect to the phenomenon of men claiming to become women. It suggests that it is not just a case of a man believing himself to be in the wrong kind of body. It identifies this condition as itself a type of sexual fetish. 

Timothy’s observation feeds in turn into a question that has puzzled me about this whole transgender phenomenon. Why is it that the majority of transgender cases among children involve girls wanting to become boys, whereas the majority of transgender cases among adults involve men wanting to become women? 

The likely answer to this puzzle is even more disturbing. ...

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