Tuesday, January 31, 2023

This Man Should Either Resign or Be Sacked!

Archbishop of York says gay sex is OK if in ‘committed, stable, faithful relationships'; welcome fully in CofE

The Church of England’s Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, responded to pressure to answer whether homosexuality and same-sex marriage are sinful by saying the CofE's new stance on the issue is that it's OK, as long as couples are in "committed, stable, faithful relationships," adding that same-sex married couples will be "welcomed fully into the life of the Church, on their terms." CP

Blogger: what a valiant man to 'cancel' God's edicts on marriage and homosexuality: certainly braver than me!

Sin is 'okay!?'

I too am a sinner but by God's grace, coupled with my repentance for my own frequent wrongdoing, I am cleansed by that blood shed at Calvary by the Saviour - on my behalf.
This entire situation is not merely sinful and anti-God but he appears to be stating that his sin needs no such forgiveness and, seemingly, is making public declaration that 'God is wrong' about His teaching, What arrogance!

Reversing good and evil is my best interpretation of 'the unpardonable sin'.
If any lost soul needs your prayer to be saved - this man is he! Do pray regularly for the salvation of all: blasphemers, heretics, apostates and those lost because they defy The Father whilst claiming be 'His people'. They have zero authority to undermine Scriptural teaching.

What arrogance the paynims of this ilk are displaying. They are suddenly the possessors of knowledge that, after all these millennia, they know better than the Almighty!

Do not fall into the trap that you can forgive heretics. You can only forgive those 'who sin against you.'

If you belong to a Church of this type - get out whilst you still can. Do find yourself a spiritual home which is at least trying to do God's will.

Ne'er forget that all believers must always confront and challenge evil - we may never accommodate ourselves to it through fear or spiritual idleness.

I am no paragon of virtue to write this piece. I am flawed. I myself fail God far too often but I generally recognise what I have done when The Holy Spirit prompts me. He leads me back onto 'paths of something akin to righteousness'. 
We must all commit to being led in the right direction.

Back Into The EU? - A Plan, Yes, But What A Disastrous One!

  Latest analysis suggests Britain would have  had to hand over the same amount of money this year to the EU as Labour claim they needed to ...