Britain has become the defender of all faiths but one.
As King Charles ascends the throne, one of the first laws he may rubber stamp is the new Public Order Bill. Lois Mclatchie asks: Could it signal the death of Christian Britain?
The King’s Coronation Oath will only be slightly tweaked from the promises made by Queen Elizabeth II – so was confirmed in Parliament earlier this week. Charles III won’t name each of the territories of the realm as his mother did but, rather, refer to them collectively. Other parts of the Oath remain intact.
Despite the lobbying efforts from those who would like to see a secularized Crown, the new king will still swear, laying his right hand on the Bible, to “use the utmost of his power” to maintain “the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel”. It’s a win for those who support the maintenance of our Christian cultural tradition. But does this king really view himself, or his kingdom, as needing God? PC.