Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The Horror of It All.

Eunuchs, 'Frankenstein level stuff' and ISIS: This trans sci-fi horror story is real.

Courtesy of Taylor Reece
Picture a 4-year-old boy dressed head-to-toe in pink, saying: “If you want girl parts and you don’t have them, you can do special surgery where they turn your penis inside out and there’s a vagina inside.”
Unfortunately, that chilling scenario actually happened, and an even more disturbing scenario, where such a surgery occurred, has reemerged this week. 
Those conscience-shocking words that came from the mouth of a 4-year-old child were captured on home video and the boy who said them is named Jonas. He is featured in the indie documentary “Dead Name” by Broken Hearted Films, which was released on Dec. 20 and is a poignant glimpse into the lives of three families that have been upended by transgender ideology.  In the interest of full disclosure, this Christian Post journalist was also a contributor in the film.Little Jonas, who was being socially transitioned by both his mother’s ex-wife and his day care, probably did not even know what a pronoun was when he casually explained this experimental body modification to his mom, who was desperately trying to protect him from irreversible medical harm. Jonas apparently learned about this surgery from a video that his mom’s ex had shown him. This was probably highly digitized promotional footage from a gender surgery center, which deceptively portrays these operations as clean and normal medical procedures, free from risks and complications. 
But the truth is an entirely different story. And prominent people are now noticing, including Twitter’s new sheriff, Elon Musk. 
According to The Post Millennial Monday, previously unknown details have surfaced about the death of an otherwise healthy 18-year-old boy who had undergone the very surgery Jonas described, a vaginoplasty. In 2016, this boy participated in a “linchpin” Dutch study, and prior to going under the knife, doctors had arrested his natural puberty with hormone-blocking agents. Due to this intervention, his secondary sex characteristics did not develop normally.
Since his genitals did not mature, there was no usable tissue to fashion a simulacrum of a vagina during the penile inversion surgery. When this is the case, surgeons routinely use a swatch of bowel tissue, which smells of excrement given the presence of fecal bacteria. The Dutch medical report explains that problems arose within 24 hours of the surgery, a laparoscopic intestinal vaginoplasty, the boy developed lethal necrotizing fasciitis, a condition where flesh-eating germs spread throughout his body causing sepsis and, ultimately, his death. An investigation into the boy’s death revealed that the strain of E. Coli that made his organs fail was from his own intestine. A Twitter thread that activist Chris Elston (also known as "Billboard Chris") assembled included gruesome photos of the infection and his maimed private anatomy was seen by millions of users and has been retweeted tens of thousands of times. 
Among those with the largest followings who retweeted the thread was the Nigerian-born British rapper Zuby who voiced his disgust, calling it “Frankenstein level stuff” and “grotesque”. Musk reply-tweeted to Zuby: “I agree, this is super messed up,” adding that adults should be allowed to do whatever they want but that this boy was too young to consent.
Concurrent with several states passing laws prohibiting such surgeries on minors, this episode is further evidence that an awakening of the masses is brewing. As more detransitioners have begun filing malpractice lawsuits and are speaking out about how they were harmed, it appears that the corporate press can no longer gloss over the emerging medical issues with euphemisms such as “gender-affirming care.” 
Who, indeed, can continue to sugarcoat the brazenness of figures like Dr. Sidhbh Gallager? Gallagher is a Miami-based plastic surgeon originally from Ireland who infamously markets trans surgeries to teenagers on TikTok. 
Earlier this month, thanks to the fearless reporting of Genevieve Gluck and journalists from Reduxx magazine, a wide audience saw Gallagher promoting “eunuchs” as “gender-diverse” people who might need “gender-affirmation” care in a video she posted. As Gallagher noted, the latest iteration of the Standards of Care from the World Professional Association of Transgender Health contains a chapter describing eunuchs in such terms. 
How did “eunuch” become a “gender identity” and who influenced this outlandish standard?
Reduxx magazine uncovered last May how Version 8 of WPATH SOC received input from a group of academics and others who congregate on a website called the Eunuch Archive, a child castration fetish forum. One of the members of that site, Thomas W. Johnson, is a retired professor from California State University-Chico. This forum hosts and creates violent and graphic written pornography and the independent feminist publication documented over 3,000 pieces of fictional smut that “detail the rape, torture, and killing of children” and include narratives where doctors raped children whose puberty has been stunted. Content wherein “children are castrated by force as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual” is also featured on the site. 
On one occasion, Johnson shared a video on the forum of Dr. Marci Bowers performing a trans surgery on a male. A screenshotted image of an exchange between Johnson – who uses the moniker “Jesus” on the forum – and fellow site user “Allen” shows Allen thanking Johnson (“Jesus”) for sharing the video, describing it as “arousing” to watch. Bowers is the same surgeon who performed the trans MTF surgery on TLC star Jazz Jennnings. Following that surgery, Jazz’s postoperative wound “split open”
More eerily still, Johnson co-authored a 2014 op-ed with another Eunuch Archive member, Richard Wassersug of the University of British Columbia, that was reprinted in the Washington Post explaining how the one thing the Islamic State lacked in order to complete its caliphate was … eunuchs. 
Both of those men have “released academic research justifying the pedophilic fantasies amongst castration fetishists,” according to Reduxx, notably a 2015 paper titled “The Sexual Side of Castration Narratives,” in which fictional child sexual abuse material was called “therapeutic” for those with “eunuch ideations.” Both men have been invited to speak at WPATH conferences, including the 2011 gathering in Atlanta when “Gender Identity Disorder” was declassified as a psychological condition and was replaced with “gender dysphoria” as the recommended terminology.
Falling down this rabbit hole is not for the faint of heart. It has brought together an unusual motley crew of people who, despite profound differences, cannot and will not be silent. It is a veritable ragtag army of conservative evangelicals, Roman Catholics, religiously observant Jews, far-left radical feminists (called TERFs), women's rights campaigners, dissident lesbians and gay men, some atheists, distraught parents, and the inestimable J.K. Rowling.
Those of us who have peered into this abyss have seen and heard things that will haunt us for decades and it has often felt like we are screaming helplessly into the void. But giving up is not an option and, at long last, we are finally being heard. 
It is incumbent upon those of us who have refused to be quiet to persist and honor the memory of everyone that has been shattered by this scourge. This includes the teen boy who died of sepsis in the Dutch study, the victims of Sidhbh Gallager and WPATH’s filth, and the fractured families such as those seen in “Dead Name.”

We must keep telling the unvarnished truth no matter the cost. CP.
Brandon Showalter has a bachelor's degree from Bridgewater College in Virginia


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